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嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

新界大埔林錦公路, Tai Po, Hong Kong
Urban Farm



本園是一所保育與教育中心。請善待環境,讓大家與野生動物共享大自然的和諧靜謐。      KFBG is a conservation and education centre. Please help us to preserve the harmony of nature for people and, for wildlife. 嘉道理農場暨植物園 (本園) 坐落於本港最高山脈大帽山的北坡和山麓,佔地148公頃。深邃的山谷清溪匯流,翠林環抱,還有不少菜園和梯田農圃,園內還有種種保育及教育設施。


Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) spreads over 148 hectares of land and is located on the northern slopes and foothills of Hong Kong's highest mountain - Tai Mo Shan. Its deep-set valley has streams, woodlands and vegetable terraces - together with conservation and education facilities.

The Farm was established in 1956 to provide agricultural aid to farmers in need of support to help them lead independent lives. Today, reflecting the changing times, KFBG plays an active role in promoting the conservation of biodiversity in Hong Kong and South China, allied with sustainable agriculture and creative nature education.


本周日(9月10日)將舉行「動物全接觸」及「動物知多點」。 「動物全接觸」—騾仔 報名時間:10:30 活動時間:11:30 - 12:00 「動物全接觸」—猛禽 報名時間:10:30 活動時間:13:15 - 13:45 「動物全接觸」—蟒蛇 報名時間:13:00 活動時間:14:30 – 15:00 「動物全接觸」—本土哺乳動物 報名時間:13:00 活動時間:15:15 – 15:45 「動物知多點」 活動時間:13:30-15:30 地點:翟克誠野生動物護理中心 註: 遊客可在活動當天到接待處旁的登記櫃台報名「動物全接觸」,請有意參加此活動之人士盡早到達輪候報名,名額有限,先到先得。 如遇不穩定天氣,活動或會取消。 Animal Encounters and Discovery Tables will be held this Sunday (September 10). Animal Encounters – Mule Registration Time: 10:30 Event Time: 11:30 – 12:00 Animal Encounters – Raptor Registration Time: 10:30 Event Time: 13:15 – 13:45 Animal Encounters – Python Registration Time: 13:00 Event Time: 14:30 – 15:00 Animal Encounters – Native Mammal Registration Time: 13:00 Event Time: 15:15 – 15:45 Discovery Tables Event Time: 13:30-15:30 Location: Piers Jacobs Wildlife Sanctuary Note: Visitors can register the Animal Encounters at the Registration Counter near the Reception on the event day. Please arrive early to queue and sign up. Places will be allocated on first come first serve basis. In case of bad weather conditions, the event may be cancelled.

第23屆嘉道理兄弟紀念跑將於2017年12月17日舉行,賽道全長 5.3公里,沿陡峭山路而上,經過本園多個地點,至嘉道理兄弟紀念亭﹙602米﹚為終點。此項競跑既富挑戰,又有意義。 網上登記: 截止報名日期:2017年9月30日 The 23rd Kadoorie Brothers Memorial Race will be held on 17 December 2017. The length of the course is 5.3 km and rises steeply uphill along roads through various sections of KFBG, finishing at the Kadoorie Brothers Memorial Pavilion (602 m). It is a tough and rewarding uphill race! Please register at: Application deadline: 30 September 2017

「大自然療癒之旅」 三天轉化工作坊 與部落傳訊人Jhon Kwano一同展開為期三天的自然靜修之旅 「擺脫期望的束縛, 跨越界限, 全面擁抱你遇見的所有事物。」-- Jhon Kwano 本園很榮幸能夠邀請來自巴布亞省高地達尼部落的長老Jhon Kwano再度來港主持轉化工作坊。巴布亞省乃美拉尼西亞最大的島嶼,當地以豐富的生態及文化聞名於世。Jhon和他的族人現今仍然跟隨祖先古老的生活方式與習俗,與大自然和諧共處。 Jhon的身份由他部落的傳統形式肯定,他從小就被認定為部落的傳訊人。他穿梭世界各地分享其部落的文化,同時亦將每次旅程的見聞與其族人分享。Jhon是美拉尼西亞唯一一位擔當此工作的人,所以他代表的不僅是達尼部落,而是整個巴布亞省和美拉尼西亞其他地方的文化傳統。 今次的靜修課程中,Jhon將會分享其部落文化智慧及現今世代對傳統文化的挑戰和衝擊。他亦會分享穿梭於「四個世界」的體驗。Jhon將會與參加者探討如何在現代社會中與大自然建立和諧關係。他亦會帶領大家在嘉道理農場暨植物園優美的自然環境中讓身心獲得療癒。 靜修主要於大埔綠匯學苑舉行,活動包括個人分享,烹飪,瑜伽, 手作體驗活動及「幸福呼吸」工作坊 (Breath of BlissTM)。「幸福呼吸」乃運用深層及循環呼吸技巧,配合動作和聲音,以達至放鬆及回復身心平衡的狀態。 本園主席麥哥利(Andrew McAulay)將擔任是次靜修活動的主持。麥哥利見證著嘉道理農場暨植物園由1995年起轉型為環境保育機構。他將會分享嘉道理農場暨植物園的理念、多年來的轉變,以及他由癌症中康復的個人歷程。 日期:2017年11月24-26日(星期五至日) 時間:11月24日0900-2100 11月25日0800-2100 11月26日0830-1630 地點:綠匯學苑 (舊大埔警署)及大埔嘉道理農場暨植物園 語言:英語 對象/人數:18歲以上 / 名額25人 費用:港幣3,000元 + 住宿費用(視乎房間種類) 費用已包括膳食 報名:請瀏覽英語版本 ( 查詢:請聯絡Ms Esther Loes 2483 7178 (英文) 或電郵至

「大自然療癒之旅」三天轉化工作坊 本園很榮幸能夠邀請來自巴布亞省高地達尼部落的長老Jhon Kwano再度來港主持轉化工作坊。巴布亞省乃美拉尼西亞最大的島嶼,當地以豐富的生態及文化聞名於世。Jhon和他的族人現今仍然跟隨祖先古老的生活方式與習俗,與大自然和諧共處。 Jhon的身份由他部落的傳統形式肯定,他從小就被認定為部落的傳訊人。他穿梭世界各地分享其部落的文化,同時亦將每次旅程的見聞與其族人分享。Jhon是美拉尼西亞唯一一位擔當此工作的人,所以他代表的不僅是達尼部落,而是整個巴布亞省和美拉尼西亞其他地方的文化傳統。 今次的靜修課程中,Jhon將會分享其部落文化智慧及現今世代對傳統文化的挑戰和衝擊。他亦會分享穿梭於「四個世界」的體驗。Jhon將會與參加者探討如何在現代社會中與大自然建立和諧關係。他亦會帶領大家在嘉道理農場暨植物園優美的自然環境中讓身心獲得療癒。 靜修主要於大埔綠匯學苑舉行,活動包括個人分享,烹飪,瑜伽, 手作體驗活動及「幸福呼吸」工作坊 (Breath of BlissTM)。「幸福呼吸」乃運用深層及循環呼吸技巧,配合動作和聲音,以達至放鬆及回復身心平衡的狀態。 本園主席麥哥利(Andrew McAulay)將擔任是次靜修活動的主持。麥哥利見證著嘉道理農場暨植物園由1995年起轉型為環境保育機構。他將會分享嘉道理農場暨植物園的理念、多年來的轉變,以及他由癌症中康復的個人歷程。 日期及時間 日期:2017年11月24-26日(星期五至日) 時間: 11月24日0900-2100 11月25日0800-2100 11月26日0830-1630 綠匯學苑 (舊大埔警署)及大埔嘉道理農場暨植物園 英語 港幣3,000元 + 住宿費用(視乎房間種類) 費用已包括膳食 查詢請聯絡Ms Esther Loes 2483 7178 (英文) 或電郵至 報名: NATURE IS THE HEALER A 3-day Retreat with Tribal Messenger, Jhon Kwano KFBG is delighted to once again host Jhon Kwano, an elder from the Dani tribe in the highlands of Papua, the largest island in Melanesia. Papua is one of the most bio-culturally diverse places on Earth and Jhon’s people still live as their ancestors have for thousands of years, in harmony with nature. Jhon is from the last generation of his people to receive traditional initiation and he was identified from an early age for the role of Messenger, sharing the message of his tribe with outsiders and reporting back with what he has seen in the outside world. He is the only one known to be playing this role outside of Melanesia. As such he is authorized to represent not only the Dani, but also other cultures in both Papua and the rest of Melanesia. In this retreat, Jhon will share the knowledge of his culture, the challenges they face and his journey through the ‘Four Worlds’. He will help participants explore how to harmonise our relationship with nature in the modern world and guide them in a journey of healing in the beautiful natural surroundings of Kadoorie Farm. The retreat will be based at the Green Hub in Tai Po and will include personal sharing, cooking together, experiential exercises, yoga and Breath of BlissTM: a breathwork practice that infuses you with aliveness using deep, circular breathing, movement and sound. The retreat will be facilitated by Andrew McAulay, Chairman of KFBG, who has overseen the development of KFBG’s programmes since it’s ‘rebirth’ in 1995 as a nature conservation center. Andrew will share KFBG’s philosophy and how it has evolved over the years, as well as his own personal journey of healing from cancer. 24th - 26th, November, 2017 24th November 0900 to 2100 25th November 0830 to 2100 26th November 0830 to 1630 Green Hub, at the Old Tai Po Police Station, and Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Tai Po English HKD 3,000 + Accommodation Fee (depending on room type) All meals included If you are interested in this retreat, please visit KFBG website ( or contact Ms Esther Loes at 2483 7178 (English) or email

NATURE IS THE HEALER A 3-day Retreat with Tribal Messenger, Jhon Kwano KFBG is delighted to once again host Jhon Kwano, an elder from the Dani tribe in the highlands of Papua, the largest island in Melanesia. Papua is one of the most bio-culturally diverse places on Earth and Jhon’s people still live as their ancestors have for thousands of years, in harmony with nature. Jhon is from the last generation of his people to receive traditional initiation and he was identified from an early age for the role of Messenger, sharing the message of his tribe with outsiders and reporting back with what he has seen in the outside world. He is the only one known to be playing this role outside of Melanesia. As such he is authorized to represent not only the Dani, but also other cultures in both Papua and the rest of Melanesia. In this retreat, Jhon will share the knowledge of his culture, the challenges they face and his journey through the ‘Four Worlds’. He will help participants explore how to harmonise our relationship with nature in the modern world and guide them in a journey of healing in the beautiful natural surroundings of Kadoorie Farm. The retreat will be based at the Green Hub in Tai Po and will include personal sharing, cooking together, experiential exercises, yoga and Breath of BlissTM: a breathwork practice that infuses you with aliveness using deep, circular breathing, movement and sound. The retreat will be facilitated by Andrew McAulay, Chairman of KFBG, who has overseen the development of KFBG’s programmes since it’s ‘rebirth’ in 1995 as a nature conservation center. Andrew will share KFBG’s philosophy and how it has evolved over the years, as well as his own personal journey of healing from cancer. 24th - 26th, November, 2017 24th November 0900 to 2100 25th November 0830 to 2100 26th November 0830 to 1630 Green Hub, at the Old Tai Po Police Station, and Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Tai Po English HKD 3,000 + Accommodation Fee (depending on room type) All meals included If you are interested in this retreat, please visit KFBG website ( or contact Ms Esther Loes at 2483 7178 (English) or email

八月「夏夜生態行」野生動物紀錄 Wildlife Sightings from This Month’s Summer Night Walk 22位參加者在星夜下探索本園下山區,發現了不少有趣的野生動物。其中一樣是在藝舍外一個水池中正在尋找魚兒、青蛙或蟾蜍作晚餐的漁游蛇。之後我們有幸發現一大一小的粗皮姬蛙,這種青蛙晚上經常會在荷花池周邊的草叢裡發出像鴨子的叫聲求偶,但比較難看到真身。另一方面,我們亦發現多棘蜈蚣的蹤影,這種蜈蚣用一對有毒的爪捕食蟲或蜘蛛。 While exploring the Lower Area of KFBG under the stars, our group of 22 guests had several close encounters with wildlife including a Checkered Keelback patrolling a small pool outside the Art House for potential prey which could include small fish, frogs or perhaps toads. Then we spotted two Butler’s Pygmy Frogs, a fingernail-sized juvenile and a 2.5cm adult. During the breeding season, this is a species that is more often heard than seen, calling with a “quacking” sound en-masse from amongst the shrubbery around the Lotus Pond. Another interesting animal that we spotted was the Giant Centipede, a creature that possesses a pair of poisonous claws used to paralyze prey such as worms and spiders.


賀理士嘉道理爵士雕像 The sculpture of Sir Horace Kadoorie

請注意颱風下本園的特別安排 Please note the special arrangements during typhoon period in KFBG

「觸∙動自然」夏令日營2017完滿結束 In Touch with Nature - 5-Day Summer Camp for Children 2017 Conclusion 本年度的「觸∙動自然」夏令日營完滿結束,參加者在這5天體驗了一連串活動,對大自然加深了解,亦與其他參加者建立友誼,並加深對香港生物多樣化保育的關注,擁有一個精彩又難忘的暑假。 The 'In Touch with Nature - 5-Day Summer Camp for Children 2017' ended in August. Participants explored nature through various activities, made new friends and gained greater awareness about conservation work in Hong Kong. The summer camp made for a very special and unforgettable summer holiday.

9月10日及17日將舉行「動物全接觸」。 「動物全接觸」—騾仔 報名時間:10:30 活動時間:11:30 - 12:00 「動物全接觸」—猛禽 報名時間:10:30 活動時間:13:15 - 13:45 「動物全接觸」—蟒蛇 報名時間:13:00 活動時間:14:30 – 15:00 「動物全接觸」—本土哺乳動物 報名時間:13:00 活動時間:15:15 – 15:45 註: 遊客可在活動當天到接待處旁的登記櫃台報名「動物全接觸」,請有意參加此活動之人士盡早到達輪候報名,名額有限,先到先得。如遇不穩定天氣,活動或會取消。 Animal Encounters will be held September 10, 17. Animal Encounters – Mule Registration Time: 10:30 Event Time: 11:30 – 12:00 Animal Encounters – Raptor Registration Time: 10:30 Event Time: 13:15 – 13:45 Animal Encounters – Python Registration Time: 13:00 Event Time: 14:30 – 15:00 Animal Encounters – Native Mammal Registration Time: 13:00 Event Time: 15:15 – 15:45 Note: Visitors can register the Animal Encounters at the Registration Counter near the Reception on the event day. Please arrive early to queue and sign up. Places will be allocated on first come first serve basis. In case of bad weather conditions, the event may be cancelled.


NEAR 嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden


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