Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Brigade Youth Command
At Little Hands Workshop we are dedicated to the sustainability of our mother nature. 在小手工作坊,我們致力推動發展可持續性資源運用,從而減少日常活動對環境帶來的影響。
Hong Kong Home Grown (HKHG) encourage Hong Kong people to plant vegetables and fruits at home by self. If you like, we will provide seeds and planting bag you need to successfully grown greens on your balcony or patio for free.
fishing tackle
Indepedent distributor for Audiophile, Classical and Jazz Music
本公司專營韓國化妝及護膚品,在韓國設有公司直接從各知名廠家取貨 WHATSAPP : +85295213134(龍小姐)
網址:http://www.green-walker.com/ecotour/ 成員包括:. 註冊社工 . 山藝教練. 攀岩教練 . 歷奇導師. 游泳教練 . 生態導賞員. 本地合格導遊
多謝您對我們產品有興趣,我店在鴻圖道有1000尺的展銷廳,觀塘鴻圖道76號聯運工業大廈3樓D室,大部份貨品有現貨可即日自取或代安排貨van送貨,pls call 97155791 Jason 約,萬分感謝閣下的光臨