A "clean" food delivery business in Hong Kong, providing 'Clean Food, Delivered Fresh, Protein Packed' meals.
泰妹記泰國菜館 Sandy Thai Restaurant 位於元朗福田徑樂富大廈地下10舖 No.10, G/F, Lok Fu Building, Fuk Tin Path, Yuen Long 特色菜式包括,泰式咖哩蟹包,芝士蝦丸,粉絲鮮蝦煲,金不換抄大蜆等 Tel: 54042029
PO, Post Production Office Group, a full gear post production house specially built for TV Commercials, Feature Films and Corporate Documentary.
Glow汽車美容專門店 鍍膜塗層保護專家,專業水研磨技術。專注研發,盡顯品質。
坑口新寶城商埸G20舖 預約電話:2177 2386 藍田匯景廣場5樓183-187號F舖 預約電話:2386 8767
333 Laundry - 地址: 九龍大角咀鐵樹街25-39號地下32號舖 提供明亮整潔的洗衣環境,24小時不停為您服務! 解決日常洗衣乾衣的煩惱。 We offer a 24 hour self-service laundry throughout the year rain or shine