ALGO Wines
ALGO Trading Ltd.
TEL: 3996 8999 Email: Whatapps: 6698 5558 格蔚薏酒業於二零一三年成立,主要由擁有超過十年以上專業葡萄酒貿易經驗及對葡萄酒充滿熱情的管理團隊營運,對法國列級葡萄酒的鍾愛更為熱衷。 在此,我們以興奮的心情驕傲地為各葡萄酒愛好者提供一個嶄新的選購葡萄酒網上平台: 網站及手機應用程式 (即將面世),為各愛好者提供一個超乎想像的葡萄酒購物新體驗。 我們會繼續在世界各地搜羅不同的優質葡萄酒,更會以最合理的價格公諸同好。 葡萄酒的儲存亦為重要一環,我們以累積多年的經驗,為葡萄酒設置一個合適的倉庫,務求令它保持最佳狀態,為閣下適時送上心頭好。
ALGO Wines was established in 2013 with a team of professionals over 10 years of experience in wine trade and with the love for wines, especially Grand Crus. We are proud to offer you an exciting new way of picking your favorite wines through our online platforms:- website & mobile apps(coming soon) to give more experience to you and exceed your expectation. We will continue to source best wines in best price around the world for your selection. Also, we store our wines in our own warehouses in optimal conditions of preservation. They can be delivered at your convenience.
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在1823年,Esquissaud家族購下了Château Faugères酒莊和Péby Faugères酒莊的土地,很快他們的努力得到回報,在Michel Rolland的競賽中獲得了兩個Saint-Emilion Grand Cru酒的花冠。 自2000年起,Faugères酒莊和Péby Faugères酒莊的葡萄酒在所有一等列級名酒中脫穎而出。Robert Parker 認為,Péby Faugères酒莊葡萄酒是“24款波爾多最好的葡萄酒”之一,屬於“未來的傳奇”。一部分全部採用木桶發酵,一部分採用圓錐形熱控木質酒桶發酵、預浸漬冷發酵、攪拌、不過濾、溫和發酵3周,木桶內乳酸發酵。 依靠這些石灰質土地的特性,通過增強對品質的研究力度和促進Péby Faugères酒莊絕佳土地的表現力,將Péby Faugères酒莊的葡萄酒提升到最高水準。 今天 Chateau Peby Faugeres 2004 登陸了ALGO WINES,並以 特價HK$650 Robert Parker: 92+ PTS TASTING NOTE:A dense ruby/purple color along with notes of graphite, black currants, blackberries, sweet cherry liqueur, toasty oak, and licorice. Dense, full-bodied, and powerful with elevated tannins as well as enough extravagant fruit and richness for balance. 快按下買: