祥發冷氣水電裝飾工程 (室內裝潢、油漆、冷氣、地板、各類大小維修) 屋宇處小型工程承建商編號 (MWC 1889/2010) 地址:荃灣深井村58號地下(傅記入面) 電話:24801547
Hard Gel / Soak Off Gel Hand Trial $268 ( Include 2 color / French ) (Booking by appointment) ☎️+852 91412929
MaskGenie is a Hong Kong-based online store where we gather masks from all over Asia to add into our pouches, and ship them directly to your doorstep.
Imagine a kitchen theatre, filled with culinary delights from all over the world. Enjoy the show.
曾接受新城電台, MS magazine及DIGI magazine訪問,主張簡單自然風格,並將該風格融入於新娘造型當中。enquiry: pom0724@yahoo.com.hk/ whatsapp: 94906150 誠接香港,澳門及海外工作
Gatherland 專營bb party, 生日聚會, 普通聚會. 為你和你的bb及親朋好友提供一個整潔安全舒適及交通便利的場地. enjoy~
我們希望將Party House 打造成香港人的另一個家,因而取名為「私竇 C-Dwell」。我們亦希望能為香港人多添正能量,年紀漸大、在大城市工作,切勿忘記當初的自我,記著 "Getting Old, Staying Young.”
追求每日食用的産品是來自可靠的製造商。 查詢: 3521 0783 Email: info@goldenwonderland.com
A nuanced reinvention of French cuisine inspired by the transition of the seasons