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Bottle n Bottle 聚瓶坊

Unit M, 5/F, Kings Wing Plaza, 3 On Kwan Street, Sha Tin, Hong Kong
Shopping & Retail



我們於2010年成立,從法國嚴選大戶酒莊優質紅酒,白酒及玫瑰酒,直接入口以直銷價發售。 我們於2010年成立,成立之初與一位在法國波爾多的朋友合作。他在當地與多間大戶酒莊稔熟。他嚴選當地大戶酒莊年度佳釀,直接在當地採購並出口。在自置位於沙田的紅酒倉發售。基於沒有門市,我們更可以低於市面的直銷價發售給顧客。而顧客亦可以在我們舒適的紅酒倉挑選並品嚐精挑細選的佳釀。


Established since 2010, we began with a co-operation with a friend in Bordeaux who is passionate on red wines.  He carefully selects red wines in the Bordeaux region and export the directly to us.  With our own wine cellar in Shatin, we are able to offer our customers a wide selection of red wines from Bordeaux at a more competitive price, plus a cosy and relaxing environment in our wine cellar for them to discuss and have a taste of our collections.

In 2014, through our new partners in Europe, including a sommelier, we have extended our wine collection with the introduction of White Wines and Rosé from reputable wineries in south-east of France.  Now we can offer a wide collection of wines for all occasions like weddings, and events, as well as for presents and own use.  While we also offer wines to wholesellers too.

