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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS【率先披露-沈祖堯談寂寞】 寂寞,是我和你都或許曾體驗過的情緒,你是怎樣與之相處、如何看待?明天8月8日,沈校長將會以不一樣的方式,與你談寂寞! 敬請密切留意中大 Facebook 專頁更新。 #沈祖堯談寂寞 【On Loneliness, by Prof. Joseph Sung】 Everyone experiences loneliness at some point, but what's your way out of it? Tomorrow, Aug 8, Prof. Sung will share his view on loneliness in a special way. Stay tuned with our Facebook page!
【超級狀元入讀中大醫學院】 今年文憑試唯一的「超級狀元」林莉雯,將入讀中大醫學院(環球醫學領袖培訓專修組別)。我們一起來聽聽她為何選擇中大,踏出夢想的第一步。 【The ‘top scorer’ admitted to CUHK】 Maggie LAM Li Man, the ‘top scorer’ of this year’s HKDSE, has been admitted to the Faculty of Medicine to study the Global Physician-Leadership Stream undergraduate programme. Let's see why she chooses CUHK to start her dream.
【歡迎2,916位聯招生加入中大】 聯招成績已於今天公佈,恭喜2,916位聯招生獲中大取錄! 各位新生可於明天(8月8日)參加中大新生迎新日,以便取得更多大學資訊。 詳情: 想知更多中大收生情況👇🏻 【Congratulations to 2,916 new comers!】 Congratulations to the 2,916 JUPAS students who have been admitted to CUHK. All new students are required to join the New Student Orientation Day tomorrow (Aug 8). For details: To know more about the admission result this year👇🏻
【OCT檢查可更準確診斷黃斑水腫】 醫生一般用眼底攝影術為糖尿病患者作黃斑水腫篩查,及早診斷「糖尿上眼」,但此方法的假陽性率高。中大眼科及視覺科學學系名譽助理教授黃禮文表示,光學相幹斷層掃描技術(OCT)可更準確診斷黃斑水腫,建議將此技術普及化,減低錯誤篩查。
【動力型義肢及腸道機械人於「挑戰杯」獲獎】 2017「挑戰杯」全國賽香港區選拔賽中,中大工程學院參賽隊伍以醫療技術為主題的項目取得優異成績。機械與自動化工程學系博士生高飛、研究助理劉炎南及生物醫學工程學博士生梁豐研,根據人體踝關節的運動學特性,設計了以彈簧與電機複合驅動的動力型膝下義肢,在「挑戰杯」香港區賽中獲頒創新組別二等獎。 另外,中大生物醫學工程學課程畢業生潘天樂、莊卓力、馬之瑤及博士生香皓林設計了一個直徑僅18 毫米的半自動軟性仿生機械人,以輔助大腸癌檢查,在「挑戰杯」創新組別獲頒三等獎。 詳情:
【7月30日截止投票】 「香港精神獎」將於7月30日截止投票,請大家投票支持蘇教授繼續為自閉兒童的教育與發展努力。 網上投票: 【Voting ends on 30 July 2017】 Online voting for "Spirit of Hong Kong Awards" will end on Sunday, 30 July 2017. Please vote for Prof. So Wing-chee and support her project on helping the development of autistic children. Online Voting:
【心房顫動病人及早服用抗凝血藥可預防中風】 中大醫學院的研究團隊發現因心房顫動而中風的患者數字於過去15年間增加接近3倍。專家更指出,適當服用抗凝血藥物能有助減低因心房顫動而引致中風的機會。 【New anticoagulant reduces the chance of stroke in AF patients】 A research team of the Faculty of Medicine has found that cases of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) related stroke have risen more than 3 times over the past 15 years. They suggest that optimising the use of the new anticoagulant can reduce the chance of stroke in AF patients.
【創業 ─ 老闆的秘密】 創業做老闆,看似很威風,其實過程中的辛酸又有誰知道?中大校友徐子南以及周昌明在第一屆中大創業擂台分別贏得冠軍及季軍,並獲得兩位投資者即場簽署合作備忘錄。創業過程中他們遇到什麼挑戰? #第一桶金 #成功集資 #老闆心聲 #中大創業擂台 【Entrepreneurship: The Boss' Secret】 Starting a business is not only about enjoying the prestige of being a boss, but also bearing the hardships. Two alumni, Xu Zinan and Kenneth Chow, who are the Champion and the 2nd Runner Up in the 2017 CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition, reveal to us the challenges to them as a boss, through the video. #CUHKEntrepreneurDay
【Tiny Marine Bacteria to Trace Earth’s History】 Prof. Haiwei Luo from the School of Life Sciences and his team performed genomic analyses of Prochlorococcus and other small marine bacteria and found out that their genomic changes were potentially the result of sudden changes on Earth at that time which drove these primitive marine bacteria to slow down or even stop growing. The study is critical to understanding how microorganisms adapt to marine environments, as well as the evolutionary history of life and the Earth. The results have been published in the latest issue of the internationally leading journal Nature Microbiology. 【從超微型海洋細菌追溯地球演化歷史】 中大生命科學學院羅海偉教授及其研究團隊,發現原綠球藻在早期的進化過程中,很可能是由於地球當時發生了突變而減緩甚至停止生長。了解原綠球藻的進化史對研究海洋環境的適應機制,以至生物及地球的演化歷史,皆具有重大意義。研究成果已刊登在最新一期的《自然微生物學》。
【Home-Based Tests Help Early Treatment of Sleep Apnea】 Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common form of sleep-disordered breathing. The Faculty of Medicine at CUHK suggests a wider use of home-based tests for early diagnosis and treatment of OSA in view of the 80% less waiting time and lowered cost compared to the conventional hospital-based tests. The findings of this study have recently been published in the leading international scientific journal 'Nature – Scientific Reports'. 【家居檢測可及早診治睡眠窒息症】 睡眠窒息症是普遍的睡眠呼吸疾病,現時的診斷方法主要是在醫院進行睡眠檢查。中大醫學院早前發現利用家用檢查儀器診斷比住院進行檢測成效相若,但前者可以縮短接近80%的輪候時間及早為病人診治。相關研究結果最近已刊登於國際頂尖科學期刊《自然-科學報告》。
【中大與國王學院合辦法律雙學位課程】 中大法律學院與英國倫敦大學國王學院潘迪生法律學院將於2018-19年度合辦法學士及法律博士(LLB-JD)雙學位課程,學生可於四年內完成兩個學位課程,相比分別修讀兩校的課程節省一年,畢業生更有機會獲得英格蘭及威爾斯及香港的執業律師資格。 詳情: 【CUHK and King’s College London Partner in Dual Degree Programme in Law】 The Faculty of Law at CUHK and the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London will offer a Dual LLB-JD Programme commencing from 2018–19.The programme will provide students with an opportunity to study towards an LLB degree awarded by King’s and a JD degree awarded by CUHK in four years instead of five years if separately undertaken at each university, and to potentially qualify for admission to practice law in England and Wales and in Hong Kong. Details :
【創業 ─ 從榴槤開始】 榴槤咖啡、榴槤奶茶、榴槤蛋卷等都是「榴槤BB」的產品。中大校友袁家駒憑著對榴槤的熱愛,在第一屆中大創業擂台贏得亞軍,並獲得兩位投資者即場簽署合作備忘錄。他的創業心得是甚麼? #第一桶金 #成功集資 #中大創業擂台 榴槤 BB 【Entrepreneurship: Durian to start with】 Durian Coffee, Durian Milk Tea and Durian Egg Rolls are products from "Durian BB", 1st Runner Up of the 2017 CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition. Let's hear how alumnus KK Yuen develops his own brand based on durian. #CUHKEntrepreneurDay
