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Just Climb Bouldering Gym

706 Prince Edward Road East, San Po Kong, Hong Kong
Sports venue



Just Climb- 佔地五千尺,位於新蒲崗的室內攀石場,大人小朋友都啱玩!快d一齊嚟享受攀爬嘅樂趣啦!預約及查詢:35617868
>Friendly staffs and instructors
>Unparalleled price
>For ages from 6 to elderly
>Free basic climbing skill instruction
>Entry valid whole day
>No previous experience required
>New problems every month
>Great for parties, school and corporate or private group functions
>Open 7 days a week
>EPS/Octopus/PayPal available

Call us today to find out how we can meet your climbing requirements.

PHONE: 35617868 (1400-2300)

No Matter what, Just Climb!



NEAR Just Climb Bouldering Gym