kr+,以愛作概念,由Kim Robinson的專業團隊為打造你最滿意的想「髮」。
kr+ has arrived to bring perfect styles to you by Kim Robinson’s professional team with LOVE. kr+ is a full service studio with cuts, colour, blow-outs and treatments complete with Kim’s signature dry cut technique. The revolutionary kr+ Lookbook allows clients to take inspiration from some 200 photographs to help them visualize a cut that works with their face shape. The app will soon be available for download, giving kr+ fans plenty of hairspiration and much to talk about with their stylist of choice.
The next generation of ready-to-wear hair, kr+ is a studio for today. Appointments can be scheduled on-the-go, while the state-of-the-art video wall encourages people to show off their freshly cool styles with a video selfie. kr+ offers all the essential plus plenty more: prix fixe means there are no hidden costs and if you don’t love your style, simply return to the studio within 10 days for a complimentary do-over. After all, we want you to love the hair you’re in.
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👨🏻 "I think we are good" 👩🏻👦🏻👱🏻 "👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Hooray" To call it a day, we do it with 🍸🍸 😜 👨🏻 "我諗暫時夠喇" 👩🏻👦🏻👱🏻 "Yay!! 🎉🎉🎉" 最後,我們以🍸🍸為這天作結。😜 #throwback #shooting #models #仙氣 #小鮮肉 #thankyou #krplus
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唔好低估treatment既重要性,佢可以令頭上既禾稈草變返做一把順直既靚髮。特別係夏天容易令到頭髮乾燥同開叉,打理頭髮就變成每朝早令自己最煩既事。唔好再忍,對自己頭髮好啲,黎kr+做返個reconditioning treatment啦。 Don't underestimate the importance of a hair treatment! Your hair becomes dry and split easily under the big sunshine, it moisturizes your hair and kicks the hair split away! Come try kr+ reconditioning treatment, LOVE YOUR HAIR, don't let your hair ruins your day anymore! #hair #treatment #recondition #haircpr #mositurizer #loveyourhair #krplus
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野生伊貝@kr+midtown出沒注意! Wild Eevee discovered 😍😍😍 #pokemongo #伊貝 #等死人咩 #捉左先
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What are you guys doing to our model!? 你地..想對個model做咩呀😂😂😂😂 #teamwork #fasterfaster #10hands1head
Thought of today What should I do with my hair next time? 下次去整頭搞咩好?
Photos from Krplushair's post
為了令你有更好的理髮體驗,我們一直致力為你保持環境整潔。😘😘 We always keep it clean and tidy for your better salon experience. 😘😘
Instagram photo by Jenny 陳珍妮 • Jul 18, 2016 at 4:13am UTC
夏天好多時候都會去游水,再加埋烈日曝曬,令到頭髮變得脆弱、枯黃。有時間一定要做返個reconditioning treatment,為頭髮做返個深層護理,令頭髮回復水潤,有返彈性!Jenny 陳珍妮都做左喇!😊😊 Summer = happy times + good sunshine! However, the overexposure to sunshine makes your hair limp and lifeless. It's time to have a reconditioning treatment, restoring moisture and texture to your hair! Come and try it out! #hairtreatment #moisturizer #summer #protection #treatment #hairdo #loveyourhair #krplus #夏日熱辣辣 . @serendipityjenny with @repostapp @krplushair 令我的頭髮由枯草變順滑,我以零鱔稿mode同大家講句:多謝Kr+! Thank you @kimrobinsonhk for giving my hair a second life!
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- Early birds get the worm, early client get the special offer - Check-in before 2pm on Monday or Wednesday to get 30% OFF, call and book your appointment now! - 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃,早來的客人有優惠 - 只要逢星期一、星期三 2點鐘前到達髮廊進行髮型服務,即可享有7折優惠。快啲Call我地約時間啦! kr+ SOHO 預約熱線:2121-0188 kr+ MIDTOWN預約熱線: 2121-0118 預約電郵: 地址 Address: kr+ SOHO 香港西營盤皇后大道西189號西浦地下8號舖(地鐵站A1出口) Shop 8, 189 Queen’s Road West, Sai Ying Pun, HK (MTR Exit A1) kr+ MIDTOWN 香港銅鑼灣登龍街1號MIDTOWN地下A舖(地鐵站A出口) Shop A, Midtown, 1 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, HK (MTR Exit A) #earlybird #specialoffer #enjoymore #booknow #loveisinthehair #krplus
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一個適合自己的髮型,可以令你臉上的優點和輪廓更加突出,看起來更加精神奕奕! A right haircut makes your face appear smaller and bring out the best features! #shorthair #style #model #短頭髮都可以好靚 #自然 #loveyourhair #krplus
Photos from Krplushair's post
Summer Style SS16 @ kr+ Lookbook Come get a new haircut for your summer vacation! 2016春夏髮型上架喇! 夏天就應該要有個清爽look! #short #haircut #清爽 #change #loveyourhair #krplus
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放暑假喇!我地都有份暑假禮物比你,逢星期二,只要出示有效全日制學生證就即可以半價優惠享受kr+既髮型服務,快啲打比我地或者去Facebook inbox我地做booking,整個靚頭去玩啦! Let's celebrate your summer holiday! Simply present your valid full time student ID and receive kr+ hair services at 50% OFF! Make your appointment by calling us or through Facebook inbox now! kr+ SOHO 預約熱線:2121-0188 kr+ MIDTOWN預約熱線: 2121-0118 地址 Address: kr+ SOHO 香港西營盤皇后大道西189號西浦地下8號舖(地鐵站A1出口) Shop 8, 189 Queen’s Road West, Sai Ying Pun, HK (MTR Exit A1) kr+ MIDTOWN 香港銅鑼灣登龍街1號MIDTOWN地下A舖(地鐵站A出口) Shop A, Midtown, 1 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, HK (MTR Exit A) #全身暑假 #頭奔初夏 #頭髮都要迎接暑假 #summer #love #krplus #loveyourhair
Instagram photo by Denise Lai • Jun 30, 2016 at 8:11am UTC
#repost Your compliment is our motivation l. Thanks for loving what we do @superwowomg 多謝你對我地既肯定 😘😘😘😘 #loveisinthehair #curlyhair #hairtreatment #hairdo #loveyourhair #experience #love #krplus #goodtime・・・