Fusing Music and Fashion via the city’s up-&-coming names from DJs and live bands to visual artists, expect the most interesting happenings at WOOBAR
ICS HKUST is a society founded in 2015 which provides a link between international students and local students alike with what us humans like most: food.
義匠工房 鼓勵一群努力實踐自己夢想的基督徒創作人, 透過這營商平台,傳揚福音。
周肇敏牙科醫生 Dr Chow Shiu Man (BDS HKU); 嚴俊威牙科醫生 Dr Yim Chun Wai (BDS HKU)
本店專門出售無硫磺中藥,無硫磺湯包 歡迎inbox查詢或到本店參觀選購,電話:53985904 營業時間:(荃灣街市店)星期一至六(9:30-19:00),星期日休息 (藍田分店)星期一至六(10:30-20:00),星期日休息
A cozy intimate restaurant with a changing seasonal menu, and a daily menu, emphasising Mediterranean cuisine and fresh ingredients.