BeBe1主要經營HipSeat & Carrier
Value Exchange International (VEI) is a leading IT company that converts physical cards and offers into virtual media. We integrate essential components of shopping into one single platform and enhance the consumer shopping experience.
鑽石家族 Diamond Family
工作室地址:觀塘巧明街116—118號萬年工業大廈5樓B11室 //工作室不定期開放
MINT is an energetic company specializes in creative marketing and technology consulting, with coverage in Hong Kong, Singapore, China and Asia Regions.
4814 日後,你還喜歡籃球嗎?
The Zara Talent Tour is coming to Hong Kong for 3 weeks to find people who share our love of fashion! We´re looking forward to meeting you! Join Fashion!
Hong Kong's most popular children's hair salon!!
天然hand made 、用心制造護膚品及健康產品,遠離毒害,為環保出一分力。 ****用心做、用心選、用心聽***** 我以前是一個很多暗瘡的人用了果酸換膚十年而導致皮膚敏感.....請看內文
Crafted with Personality & Purpose
本公司專營韓國化妝及護膚品,在韓國設有公司直接從各知名廠家取貨 WHATSAPP : +85295213134(龍小姐)
嚴選專門為香港提供有機和安全認證的台灣蔬果 Perfect Pick provides organic certified Taiwan fruits/veggies to Hong Kong