Slope Infinity Ski & Snowboard Training Center
Make the most out of your well deserved snow vacation abroad with ACCELERATED LEARNING right here in Hong Kong! The world's largest revolving carpet ski & snowboard training deck is now in the heart of Hong Kong. Slope Infinity's training decks offers Hong Kong's skiers and snowboarders a dynamic instruction program, ideal for both kids and adults and all ability levels from "never-ever" beginners to the highly experienced & advanced.
Using real skis, ski boots, ski bindings, ski poles, and snowboards and with its variable-speed silicone-coated ultra-wide revolving carpet (like a reverse treadmill), one hour of lesson on our training decks equates to several hours of learning on the mountain without the distractions of cold, crowded slopes, and chairlift lines.
Training on the revolving carpet has been proven most effective for reinforcing your "muscle memory" and developing efficient habits and skills to improve your skiing and snowboarding techniques.
Slope Infinity 的模擬滑雪機是世界最大型模擬滑雪機 。滑雪機設有速度調節 , 可按著不同需要調教 , 適合不同年齡及技術水平人士使用 , 甚至初學者。
模擬滑雪機已證實是最佳的滑雪訓練 , 現時在一級滑雪勝地美國 Aspen Colorado 及其它雪山都已經裝備了多部大細不同的滑雪機 , 供滑雪者訓練所用 , 因為已證實利用滑雪機訓練是比單在真雪上訓練有效得多。
由於 Slope 是利用真正的滑雪器材 , 如 滑雪撬 , 滑雪靴, 滑雪桿, 滑雪板 , 場館周圍更裝置了大型鏡子 , 所以使用者在練習時可從鏡裡監察到自己的缺點及優點 , 繼而有效地改善滑雪技術。
Slope 的模擬滑雪機無需在寒冷而又濕的環境下練習 。使用者只要在 Slope 完成一小時訓練課程, 其效果便相等於在雪山上完成了一天課程一樣 。所以模擬滑雪機不但能幫您節省在雪山上學習滑雪之時間 , 而且更可為您做好事前準備 , 令您和您家人完全投入您們的滑雪假期 。