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逆走100 Rebel Walker

, Hong Kong, Hong Kong



2018 年3月24-25日,「Buff 逆走 100」為大家帶來一場逆向挑戰!
24th-25th March 2018, "Buff Rebel Walker" brings you a reverse adventure! 麥理浩徑,一條無論你行幾多次都會再行 / 再操的山徑。


你應該很熟悉每一個賽段 :
怎樣起步、何時留力、如何上落自如,很懂吧 !


2018 年 3月24-25日,「Buff 逆走 100」為大家帶來一場逆向挑戰!

MacLehose Trail, a trail you would hike again and again during the year. However, you may find a different hiking experience with this same route this time!

Hiking the trail every year, even every week, you must have clear picture of Trail,  where to start, when to stay, how to run up and down. Same Trail, same distance, with a different level of landscape, let's hike the MacLehose trail in reverse! Use a different strategy to challenge this new experience!!

24th-25th March 2018, Reverse 100km brings you a reverse adventure!


【除左呢句💬,今次一句廢話都唔講❗】 比賽日期📆:2018年3月24-25日 起步時間🕗:上午八時正 起點🏃🏻:元朗大棠 終點🏅:西貢北潭涌 報名日期 🙋🏻‍♂:2017年8月18日中午12時正 參賽資格💁🏻:於比賽當日最少年滿18歲 組別及參賽費用💰: 個人組🏃🏻 - HK💲1,150 2 人組 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀- HK💲2,100 4 人組 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀- HK💲3,800 (費用包括賽手T-shirt👕完賽紀念品 : 獎牌🏅及驚喜🎉) 距離⛰:100km 時限⏱:32小時 早鳥🐦優惠;於2017年8月18-25日報名可獲贈限量Buff x 逆走100 Pack-Run-Visor. 本賽事已被評為 ITRA - International Trail Running Association 及 Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB 的合資格賽事。 完成「Buff 逆走100」可得UTMB® 5分(新計分法)及ITRA 5分,並獲得 The North Face Lavaredo Ultra Trail 及 Trail Verbier Saint-Bernard X-Alpine 的報名資格。 【All about the race ❗】 Date of event📆:24-25 / 3 / 2018 Start time🕗:8am, 24 / 3/ 2018 Start point🏃🏻:Tai Tong, Yuen Long Finish point🏅:Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung Registration date🙋🏻‍♂:12pm 18 / 8/ 2017 Registration Requirement💁🏻:Applicants must be at least 18 years old on race date (24 / 3 / 2018) Categories and registration fee💰: Solo 🏃🏻 - HK💲1,150 Team of 2 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀- HK💲2,100 Team of 4 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀- HK💲3,800 (Registration fee including : Racer tee👕, finisher medal🏅, gift 🎁and surprise 🎉! ) Race distance⛰ : 100km Time limit⏱:32 hours Early bird 🐦offer : Apply during Aug 18 - 25, 2017 and get a limited edition Buff x Rebel Walker 'Pack-Run-Visor' 'Buff Rebel Walker' is a qualifying race for the ITRA - International Trail Running Association (5 points) and Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB (5 points) Rebel Walker is automatically considered as a qualifying race for any organisations using this selection's criteria for its own registration's process like : The North Face Lavaredo Ultra Trail or Trail Verbier Saint-Bernard X-Alpine. #多謝Buff #mark定你2018年3月24至25日 #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse

【唔講廢話囉❗講錢💰】 得,我知,再講一大堆廢話唔單只呃唔到 like👍🏻兼隨時被 unlike👎🏻,😁即刻嚟,報名費 : - 個人組🏃🏻 - HK$1,150 - 2 人組🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀ - HK$2,100 (即每人$1,050) - 4人組 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀ - HK$3,800 (即每人$950) 嗱嗱嗱✋🏻,你係check 過各大100km 賽事咩價錢先好comment 呀😎! 講左幾錢,「逆粉」們肯定又會追問有咩食有咩飲有咩送啦 ! 基本野當然唔少得:早鳥禮物🎁、選手 tee👕、完賽紀念品同獎牌🏅、限量商品⋯⋯仲有咩其他特別嘢?hey!傾 sponsor 嘅野要煲架,我地已經🌞日以繼夜🌛夜以繼日🌞咁敲門,你跑山要回氣我地都要架😅,師兄師姐🙏🏻! 【Cut the bullshit❗Let's talk about money 💰】 Our previous post may annoy you, but this one is different, 😁here are the registration fee of the race : - Individual🏃🏻: HK$1,150 - team of 2 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀: HK$2,100 ($1,050 per person) - team of 4 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀: HK$3,800 ($950 per person) Please check the registration fee of other 100km races, you would know this one is the lowest😎. Now, you may want to know other details, basically, we provide all stuffs you find in other races, early bird premium🎁, racer tee👕, finisher medal🏅 and gift, limited edition premium...anything else? Sure, please wait, we continue looking for other sponsors, any referral?!🙏🏻 #多謝Buff #mark定你2018年3月24至25日 #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse

【下個月報名喇❗】 作為一個山賽,只靠自吹自擂賺嗰幾百個 like 👍🏻 當然未能成事啦,所以我地好幸運地首屆已得到山界名牌 - Buff Hong Kong 嘅贊助👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻請,掌聲!從美觀程度以至實戰用途,唔好話我聽你唔知,再多講只會令大家誤會我地喺度賣廣告😁! 都係實際啲,話定你聽,我地下個月就開始報名,🐦early bird🐦 會送出 🎁Buff x 逆走100 限量別注 Pack-Run-Visor,同場加推 Buff x 逆走100 頭巾公開發售 (扣除成本全數撥捐慈善團體) 留意留意! 到底下個月邊日📆開始報名?幾錢💰?喂,講左咁耐,你 like 👍🏻左我地個 page 未啫究竟?! 【Registration will start next month❗】 Our facebook page has got more than 500 likes👍🏻since launching, of course, it’s not our ultimate aim. We are glad to announce that Buff is our title sponsor👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ! They offers quality and beautiful accessory outfits for all runners. The registration will be started next month, all participants are entitled 🎁a limited edition Buff x Rebel Walker Pack-Run-Visor during the 🐦early bird 🐦period. At the same time, Buff x Rebel Walker Headwear are opened for sale! (All proceeds, deducting the cost, will be donated to two charities) #參考圖片 #多謝Buff #mark定你2018年3月24至25日 #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse

【打風先嚟操山⁉】 落雨🌧或打風🌬去操山對好多山友嚟講如同食生菜啦,不知幾爽😁! 麥徑邊度落山特別跣、邊條樓梯特別滑、邊度有青苔,熟過返工條路啦❗ 逆走又點睇👀呢?順走有個水壩你熱身, 但逆走一開波副偈都未著就要 chur 上波波⚗、出名跣到 hihi ⚠嘅雞公落↘水浪窩掉轉上↗又會點呢❓ 我地懶窩心☺咁醒你一個逆走100 嘅elevation chart〽,指教指教💁🏻‍♂💁🏻! 得得得!你淨係想知幾時📆報名同幾錢入場費💰吖嘛! 好快好快💪🏻,等多陣啦,我地搞山賽,食生菜咁易咩😅?! 【Practice/Run under the Typhoon ⁉】 For most of experienced hikers, it's not a big deal to do the practice under a pour 🌧 or typhoon 🌬, as they truly understand the landscape of MacLehose trail❗ How about run in reverse? As normal, you can warm up at the East Dam, but in reverse way, you have to run up the Tai Mo Shan in the early stage. Below is the elevation chart〽, your comment is highly appreciated💁🏻‍♂💁🏻! I know, most of you would like to know more information, like registration period📆, fee 💰etc... Please stay tuned, the details will be announced soon💪🏻! #mark定你2018年3月24至25日 #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse

【到底一個山賽嘅時限係點定出嚟嘅呢 ⁉】 本地100km山賽嚟講,時限最寛鬆48個鐘🕑,過程為重,令你開開心心但又喊住😂咁衝線;最 harsh 27 個鐘,鍊到你盡,體能意志大挑戰! 咁我地呢?官方非正式斷估100km 平均完成時間為31.5 個鐘!ok,四捨五入俾夠3⃣2⃣粒鐘你,完賽返屋企沖過涼🚿恰😴陣再出去拆餐勁慶功🍾,fit 晒! 懶細心!實情係 - 我地唔想捱兩個通頂囉🤣,你就話完賽返屋企大覺瞓啫,我地重有大把善後工作要做㗎嘛,敷多兩塊 mask 都補唔番呀大佬🤗 !!! 【How to set the time limit for a trail race ⁉】 In all local 100k races, the most lenient time limit should be 48 hours 🕑 while the most tough 💪🏻 one should be 27 hours. How about ours? According to unofficial statistics, the average finish time for 100K race is 31.5 hours, so, we decide to give 3⃣2⃣hours, after the race finishers can go home, then take a a shower 🚿and have celebration 🍾 dinner with friends! So nice? Indeed, as the organizer, we don’t want to work for 2 overnights 🤣! #mark定你2018年3月24至25日 #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse

【山友都係貪心😏嘅❗】 得隊制又話點解無個人,有個人又問點解無隊制...... 有人鍾情一個人🏃🏻在途上嗰種瀟灑;有人嚮往成team 人🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀嗰種熱血激動,咁到底做成績定做兄弟/姊妹好呢?所以我地有個人組🏃🏻同4人👭👬隊制,再加多個2人👫組俾天下無雙嘅你同佢!ok ?! 我知我知,你一定會問點解無3人組,因為有3人組就會有人問點解無5人組架喇⋯⋯我地搞山賽呀,唔係出奇蛋😂呀! 【Hikers have so many thoughts😏…】 Solo or team? Some of hikers enjoy the solitude🏃🏻, but some would like the team 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀spirit and passion, therefore, we will offer solo🏃🏻, team of two 👫and team of four👫👫. I know, you may wonder if there is team of three, team of five….. come on, we are just a trail race organizer, not a Santa Claus😂 ! #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse

【Buff 逆走100 咩玩法❓❗】 有經驗嘅山友都感受過去到元朗大棠必定攰到hihi😫,喜極而泣😭,終點在望🤗!而身處北潭涌嗰朝都精神奕奕咁等起步😎,你明嘅! 經歷咗咁多次,我地就將呢份感覺調轉 🔄 - 精精奕奕😃 咁去大棠;帶住汗水💦淚水💧咁返北潭涌! 新賽事新玩法新感受! 【Buff Rebel Walker❗️What's the fun ❓❗】 An experienced hiker must feel exhausted 😫but wept for joy 😭after arriving Tai Tong in Yuen Long as you did it finally🤗! At that moment, you surely forget how excited😎 you were at the starting line in Pak Tam Chung. However, why don’t you do the opposite🔄, starting with high spirit 😃at Tai Tong, finishing with your sweats 💦and tears💧at Pak Tam Chung ? Time for a new Race with new experience! #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse

【挑戰❗逆走麥徑❗❗】 麥理浩徑,一條無論你行幾多次都會再行 / 再操的山徑⛰。 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 一樣嘅路線,可以有唔一樣嘅玩法! 唔行,唔會點樣;行過,會唔一樣! 呢條路線,你年復年咁操練, 你應該好熟悉每一個賽段 : 點樣起步、幾時留力、點樣可以上落自如,你已經熟晒😎! 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻 同一條麥徑,同一個距離,係咪理所當然? 不如,我地嚟逆走!?↩ 對應唔同嘅地貌同難度,以唔同嘅策略嚟挑戰! 2⃣0⃣1⃣8⃣年3⃣月2⃣4⃣-2⃣5⃣日,「Buff 逆走 100」為大家帶嚟一場逆向挑戰! 【Challenge❗MacLehose trail in reverse❗❗】 MacLehose Trail, a trail you would hike again and again during the year. However, you may find a different hiking experience with this same route this time⛰! MacLehose trail in reverse! Use a different strategy to challenge this new experience!! 2⃣4⃣ --2⃣5⃣ March 2⃣0⃣1⃣8⃣, Reverse 100km brings you a reverse adventure! #新賽事要山友幫手開心share #Buff逆走100 #麥徑 #100公里 #跑 #山跑 #逆走 #BuffRebelWalker #MaclehoseTrail #100km #run #jog #hiking #trailrunning #rebelwalker #reverse


NEAR 逆走100 Rebel Walker