Escape from the city and get into your dream resort lifestyle at Hong Kong Gold Coast Residences for your new home, here you can enjoy panoramic views of the lush green mountains, the Gold Coast Yacht Club marina and Castle Peak Bay.
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香薰有效紓緩日常生活壓力。想知多D香薰油既功效? 參加有機香薰油工作坊仲可以親自調配一支專屬妳既天然有機香薰護理油添! 快D黎參加啦! Essential oil is useful for natural stress relief. Wanna to know more? Join the Aromatherapy Workshop and you can make your own treatment oil! Come and join us! 日期 DATE: 10/6/2017 (星期六 Saturday) 時間 TIME: 15:00-16:00 地點 VENUE: 會所地下綜合活動室 Club House ‘s G/F Multifunction Room 名額 CAPACITY: 20 人 Person 費用 FEE: 免費 Free 截止日期 Deadline: 7/6/2017 (星期三 Wednesday)
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假日想去散心又唔想去咁遠? 參加大澳一天遊就最適合不過啦! 有得食、有得睇、有得玩! 5月17日,約定你啦! Wanna go for a 1 day tour at weekend? Join the Tai-O One day Tour! Nice food and view are waiting for you on 17 May!
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母親節獻禮: 雙人卡通速畫人像! 名額只限12個家庭咋! 首8位報名家庭仲有一份精美禮品添! 請即到會所報名! Mother’s Day Celebration: Cartoon Portrait for two person! Limited quota for 12 families and first 8 registered families will receive a gift! Please registration as soon as possible in the clubhouse!
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夏天來了! 體重管理、體能訓練刻不容緩! 快來參加八星期健身課程吧! It's summer again! Get ready for Short-Shorts weather? Come and join the 8 weeks Total Body Transformation Program.
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小小農夫體驗班又黎啦! 親手種、親手煮既野食係好食D 架! 想知道係咪真? 試下咪知囉! 查詢及報名請致電: 2441 4813 It's Fun Farm again! Foods are more delicious when you grow and cook yourself. Do you want to know the reason? Come and join us! For Enquiries & enrollment, please dial 2441 4813.
Photos from Hong Kong Gold Coast Residences's post
【Special Privilege to Resident】Gold Coast Yacht & Country Club is pleased to introduce the GCYCC Trial User Program for Gold Coast residents. For further information, please contact Membership Department on 2404 3231 or email to 【住客特別優惠】黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部.遊艇會誠意推出會所設施試用計劃。查詢詳情,請致電會員部2404 3231 或電郵至
Gold Coast Piazza
大家都一齊嚟黃金海岸商場做個小車手 To be roadster racer at Gold Coast Piazza
Gold Coast Piazza
Come to join Easter Bouncy Castle Carnival at Gold Coast Piazza this Easter!!
Gold Coast Piazza
快D黎參加啦! Come and join now!
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復活兔! 彈彈床! 遊戲! 氣球! 爆谷! 你絕對不會想錯過我們的復活節派對! 今個星期六 (4月8日) 約定你啦! Bunny! Bouncy castle! Game! Ballon! Popcorn! You will not want to miss the Easter Carnival on this Saturday (8 April)! #easter #復活節
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返左咁多日工,終於到開心星期五啦! 獎勵下自己,即刻黎「一浩」happy hour 先! TGIF! A great happy hour starts your great weekend! Come and join us at 'KAZUHIRO' ! #TGIF #happyhour #KAZUHIRO #一浩
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歡迎加入黃金海岸的大家庭!想了解多D呢個社區、會所設施同活動,又想識多D新朋友?快D參加3月31日既迎新團啦! Welcome to join the Gold Coast Community! To know more about the neighborhood, clubhouse facilities & activities and meet friends, let's join the Orientation Tour on 31 Mar! 查詢及報名請致電會所 For enquiries & enrollment , please contact Clubhouse staff. Tel: 2441 4813.