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St. John's College, HKU

82 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
College & University



Breeds the Excellent St. John's College was founded in 1912 and it was the first residential hall in the University. We emphasize that "the College is more than a hall of residence". "College" better represent our mission - a College is the gathering together of a body scholars for the formation of human character through sports and cultural activities, and the pursuit of academic excellence by discipline study and open discussions. From its establishment St. John's College shoulders the banner "Breeds the Excellent". Through these many years we have thus nurtured many of Hong Kong's leaders in government, industry and commerce, culture and education.


【學院室內合唱團於芬蘭榮獲最高榮譽文憑|The College Chamber Choir won the 'Diploma of the Winner of the First Degree' in Finland】 聖約翰學院室內合唱團在芬蘭圖爾庫「VJSFest International Choir Competition」中榮獲最高榮譽文憑(Diploma of the Winner of the First Degree),為只有少數傑出合唱團才能獲得的最高榮譽。學院室內合唱團衷心感謝這數個月來所有支持我們的莊民、家人及朋友。 如您仍希望繼續支持合唱團到海外參與國際比賽,請將捐款轉帳至學院銀行戶口(滙豐銀行: 511-554107-001),並透過電郵將收據發予學院合唱團(。如有查詢,亦可透過電郵聯絡我們,我們將盡快回覆您的電郵。 學院合唱團團長 (2017 - 2018) 2017年11月16日 The St. John's College Chamber Choir has won the Diploma of the Winner of the First Degree in the JSFest Choral Competition in Finland, Turku, the highest honour that only a handful of top-tier choirs can obtain. The Chamber Choir would like to express our most profound gratitude to all our St. Johnians, families and friends for their support in the last few months. If you still wish to support the chamber choir in participating international competition, please transfer your donation to the St. John’s College bank account (HSBC: 511-554107-001), and send the receipt to the college choirmaster via Should there be any enquiry, please contact us via the above email address, we would reply your message as soon as possible. College Choirmasters, 2017 - 2018 16th November 2017

| High table (SJC x Ricci x WYK) - 13 November, 2017| We were so happy to have students from Ricci Hall Archives Conservation & Acquisition Project (RHACAP) and Wah Yan College, Kowloon joining our high table last night. What a great time spending with the WYK boys and special thanks to the Mr. Nixon Leung and Dr. David Macri for giving us meaningful sharing on “Fallen Riccian Heroes during The Battle of Hong Kong” and “St. John’s Hall - War Dead”.

【聖約翰學院室內合唱團 及 聖約翰學院音樂會 | St. John's Chamber Choir & SJC Homecoming Concert 2017】 於十月二十九日,聖約翰學院合唱團在學院飯堂舉辦了「SJC Homecoming Concert 2017」,為到芬蘭圖爾庫參加「VJSFest International Choir Competition」的學院室內合唱團同學籌款。吸引多位同學、家長,以至舊人出席。 音樂會當日節目豐富。除了有學院合唱團和室內合唱團成員為大家獻上《只有和聲》、《II Bianco e Dolce Chigno》、《Danny Boy》等多首本地及海外經典金曲外,亦有其他學院宿生的古箏及二胡獨奏,以及張維逸先生的鋼琴演奏。另外,我們亦有幸邀請到國際獲獎女歌手楊雪筠女士以及前香港大學學生會管弦樂團首席小提琴手馮紀立同學,分別為我們呈獻女高音獨唱及小提琴獨奏,為這場音樂盛宴錦上添花,生色不少。 在此,我們感激學院院長張志明牧師及音樂會榮譽嘉賓趙崇德先生(學院校友會主席)一直以來對音樂會及學院合唱團的支持,慷慨解囊,不遺餘力。 音樂會圓滿結束,一眾室內合唱團成員亦遠赴芬蘭,參與國際合唱比賽。我們熱愛音樂,努力在歌唱上精益求精,更願與大家分享我們的成果與喜悅,得到大家的支持與肯定。如欲捐款,請將捐款轉帳至學院銀行戶口(滙豐銀行: 511-554107-001),並透過電郵將收據發予學院合唱團(。如有查詢,亦可透過電郵聯絡我們,我們將盡快回覆您的電郵。 學院合唱團團長 (2017 - 2018) 2017年11月10日 On October 29, St. John's College held the 'SJC Homecoming Concert' in the college dining hall to raise fund for the students of SJC Chamber Choir, who will be competing in the VJSFest International Choir Competition. Many students, parents and alumni have attended the concert. The college choir and the college chamber choir presented a myriad of local and overseas classics such as '只有和聲', 'II Bianco e Dolce Chigno' and 'Danny Boy’. There was also traditional Chinese music performance with Guzheng and Erhu, and a Piano solo by Mr Ve Zhang. Furthermore, we are delighted to have Ms Shirley Yeung, the international-award soprano singer and Mr Michael Fung, the former concertmaster of the Union Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSU joining this banquet of music with us. Here, we would like to offer our gratitude to Rev. Eric Chong, the College Master and our honourable guest, Mr Vincent Chiu (the President of the St. John’s College Alumni Association). We give thanks for their generosity and effort in supporting our homecoming concert and college choir. After the success of the homecoming concert, our college chamber choir members are now heading to the international choir concert in Finland. We are willing to share our pleasure and passion in music with you all and would like to receive your support. If you wish to donate to us, please transfer it to the St. John’s College bank account (HSBC: 511-554107-001), and send the receipt to the college choirmaster via Should there be any enquiry, please contact us via the above email address, we would replay your message as soon as possible. College Choirmasters, 2017 - 2018 10th November, 2017

| Reunion and Commemoration High Table 2017-2018 | This annual event, on November 6th this year, is arranged for College alumni to catch up with their contemporaries and current students, to commemorate the generosity, and remember and honour alumni (St. John's and HKU) who had sacrificed their lives to defend Hong Kong and/or their homelands from foreign invasion both during WWII and after. This year we were most honoured to have Professor Ian Holiday Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of HKU (Teaching and Learning) to be our Guest of Honour and Guest Speaker. His speech is entitled "Internationalization of HKU and its implication for university and HK. His passion and ideals are clearly expressed in his vision on the nature of HKU's academic education, and residential education.

香港大學本科入學資訊日2017完滿結束!期待再次見到你們! HKU Information Day 2017 has been held successfully! We hope to see you again!

一種米養百樣人 一人一個鍾意聖莊的原因 八十二莊民 • 八十二份愛 香港大學本科入學資訊日2017 日期:二零一七年十一月四日(星期六) 時間:上午九時至下午六時 HKU Information Day 2017 Date: 4th November 2017, Saturday Time: 09:00 - 18:00

「其實,媽媽同我都係七樓姊妹係一件好奇妙嘅事情。我地每次討論聖莊都會深深感受到呢個地方嘅變化:以前七樓有無敵大海景,宜家望出去只係得返條罅;以前exchange students唔會成日參與St. John's嘅活動,但宜家唔同國籍嘅莊民已經打成一片;以前聖莊好着重體育嘅發展,宜家大家可以自由發展自己嘅專長。 即使時代變遷,莊民之間嘅感情永遠都唔會變,媽媽話以前inter-hall比賽,特別係樓姊妹有份參賽,就一定會去捧場為佢哋加油打氣。有人生日,就會買或者整一個好大嘅蛋糕同佢慶祝。其實呢啲傳統仍然無變,我地比賽前會寫紙條為大家打氣,會為大家製造驚喜去慶祝生日,呢一份樓姊妹之間嘅感情無論過咗幾多年,依然唔會改變。 我選擇入住聖莊,某程度上都係因為媽媽。佢分享過好多係聖莊生活嘅一點一滴,令我覺得呢個係一個好特別嘅地方,會經歷到好多新嘅體驗,比我作出好多新嘅嘗試。入咗聖莊之後,最難忘嘅事就係interhall比賽同搞活動,大家好齊心向同一個目標努力,一齊分享努力嘅成果。當有班人係你身邊陪你顛,縱使有啲時候好辛苦好攰,但係諗番轉頭就覺得呢啲回憶好甜美。」 7/F 鄧詠瑜 社科四年班 7/F 李淑儀 八零年社科畢業 #HKUINFODAY2017 #FAMILY 香港大學本科入學資訊日2017 日期:二零一七年十一月四日(星期六) 時間:上年九時至下午六時

「由細到大,我同我表姐都因為我細姨嘅影響下,細細個就識聖莊。我表姐四歲嗰時,就由我細姨帶佢第一次去參觀聖莊,而我就喺我五歲嗰年,由我表姐帶我去到聖莊。我哋兩個都聽過細姨講佢多姿多采嘅大學生活,令我哋好耐以前就已經好想入港大同聖莊。我哋亦認識其他St. Johnians,例如我哋兩個睇嘅牙醫都係細姨年代嘅莊民,都俾到我親切又專業嘅感覺。所以,我哋兩個入到港大住hall,當然之選就係聖莊。 我哋三代人係聖莊都各自有好多回憶,要講都真係數之不盡。我細姨講最深刻嘅一次係佢大學三年班時,一班Final Year嘅學生希望可以喺離開前加強聖莊嘅hall spirit, 攪咗一個前所未有嘅Variety Show - "Final Attraction"。由佢地以才藝表演,為聖莊籌款以添置攝錄器材。當晚表演別具創意,甚至有地拖寫大字,跳火圈,男女百米飛人跑樓梯競賽等等,全晚驚喜十足,笑聲不斷。最難忘嘅係完show後莊民都仲要唔捨得離開。 我表姐講過,要佢揀最深刻嘅事就應該係佢Year 2嗰年做辯論隊隊長,雖然佢哋好耐無攞過冠軍,但係好彩嗰年有好多經驗十足嘅current同freshmen,大家好俾心機終於入到Interhall Champfight!準備比賽嘅過程中得到唔同年代嘅舊人大力支持,決賽前又返嚟幫佢地Mock Debate!決賽當日喺開心公園,好多莊民同舊人都嚟到為佢哋打氣,最後成功勝出!嗰一種互相支持嘅溫暖,共同奮鬥嘅熱血,同樣喺其他文化隊伍展現到,令佢地贏埋嗰年既鄭耀宗盃,即係舍際文化比賽總冠軍。 當我入咗聖莊,最開心遇到一班樓姊妹,無論開心定唔開心,都同呢班人一齊,做埋啲好青春好癲嘅事。最難忘嘅係上莊,身為內務副主席,要學識處理各種嘅人際關係,更有不少突發事件,當中學到嘅,實在係非常難得嘅經驗。 雖然我哋細姨宜家去咗上海工作,但係每一次佢返嚟香港,我地三個都會聚埋一齊食宵夜,分享下大家嘅近況之餘,仲會update下聖莊宜家發生咩事。近年聖莊有好明顯嘅轉變,例如收多咗海外學生、學術氣氛變得濃厚咗,有學術導師,同一班好熱心嘅回憶裏情計畫嘅成員。不過,我哋核心價值係永遠都唔會轉變,例如不斷挑戰自己、追求進步、對聖莊嘅忠誠同自豪感。」 7/F 卓諾堯 法律三年班 7/F 李楚芳 九零年社科畢業 10/F 林瑜玉 零九年醫科畢業 #HKUINFODAY2017 #FAMILY 香港大學本科入學資訊日2017 日期:二零一七年十一月四日(星期六) 時間:上年九時至下午六時

#HKUINFODAY2017 #SCIENCE HKU Information Day 2017 Date: 4th November 2017, Saturday Time: 09:00 - 18:00

#HKUINFODAY2017 #LAW HKU Information Day 2017 Date: 4th November 2017, Saturday Time: 09:00 - 18:00

#HKUINFODAY2017 #ARTS HKU Information Day 2017 Date: 4th November 2017, Saturday Time: 09:00 - 18:00

#HKUINFODAY2017 #BUSINESS HKU Information Day 2017 Date: 4th November 2017, Saturday Time: 09:00 - 18:00


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