作為明太子料理的店舖『鱈卵屋』、有販賣明太子、明太子相關的產品。 明太子料理の専門店『鱈卵屋』では、明太子、明太子関連商品などを販売しております。
查詢熱線:5402-9791 / 5402-9391
我們希望將Party House 打造成香港人的另一個家,因而取名為「私竇 C-Dwell」。我們亦希望能為香港人多添正能量,年紀漸大、在大城市工作,切勿忘記當初的自我,記著 "Getting Old, Staying Young.”
We work and communicate as a team..To help each one another..and to fullfill our goals in life..ONE FOR ALL,ALL FOR ONE..up to the next level...
Fresh from the Oceans to your Plate
A Local Micro Roaster offer seasonal direct trade coffee beans, fresh roasting and different brewing methods to present better sensory experience
WE ARE DIFFERENT ... because we take time to listen and understand
棉花糖? cupcake? 馬卡龍? candy corner 唔想同人地一樣? 可以試下南歐傳統用的婚禮專用朱古力. whatsapp 我地傾下:+852 6714 8081