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Hong Kong Adventist College - 香港三育書院

西貢清水灣道1111號, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
College & University



Hong Kong Adventist College is a liberal arts college accredited with Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) and affiliated with Andrews University.     Brief History of Hong Kong Adventist College

The educational work conducted by Seventh-day Adventists in China has its origin in the Southern part of Mainland China. In 1903, the church operating in Guangzhou founded its first school to form the nucleus for the Hong Kong Adventist College. This exclusively female school was called “The Bethel Girls’ School,” followed in 1905, by the establishment of the Yick Chi Boys’ School. In 1911, the Yick Chi Boy’s School was closed and re-opened as a middle school five years later as “Sam Yuk School.”

The Sam Yuk School prospered and showed signs of bright future. As a result, lands were purchased in the eastern part of the Guangdong city (Canton) to meet the rapid development of the school. In 1922, a school plant was erected. As soon as the new buildings were ready for occupancy the Bethel Girls’ School was incorporated as a part of the Sam Yuk School system. The new school served the Guangzhou (Kwangchow), Hakka (Hakkah), and Guangxi (Kwangsi) Missions in the South China region. In 1935, the South China Union Mission took charge of the Sam Yuk School and renamed it the “Canton Training Institute.”

In 1937 the Sino-Japanese War broke out, plunging China into turmoil. To survive, the school was moved to Hong Kong and temporarily operated in Shatin. At that time the school was renamed as the “South China Training Institute”. Later, the “China Training Institute” (Junior College), another Adventist education institution from central China, was also moved to the same quarters. The two schools were merged together to form the “China and South China Training Institute.” Soon after, a piece of land consisting of 40 acres was purchased at Clear Water Bay in the New Territories. A development project destined to build a permanent campus began and after two years, the campus buildings were completed, with the school in Shatin soon arriving.

In 1942, World War II erupted, bringing the people of Hong Kong under Japanese occupation. As a result, the school reverted to its prior name of “South China Training Institute” and moved back to Mainland China near the town of Laolung in Guangdong province.

With the war’s ending, the campus in Clear Water Bay was confiscated by the colonial British army. To continue the long suspended education work, the school was relocated back to its former site in the district of Tungshan in Guangdong for a year. It was not until 1947 that the school could move back to the Clear Water Bay campus.

In 1958, a strong need was felt for further training opportunities for the Seventh-day Adventist youth in China. The Far Eastern Division of Seventh-day Adventists authorized the South China Island Union Mission to open a college for providing tertiary education. It was planned to incorporate the middle school at the Clear Water Bay campus. The college curriculum was launched in 1962. Two years later, the name of this school, which had combined the secondary and tertiary education, was officially changed to “South China Union College.”

In 1981, the constituency of the South China Island Union Mission officially adopted the name “Hong Kong Adventist College” to identify the school as an independent entity separated from the secondary program of Sam Yuk Middle School. This was followed by the registration and approval of Hong Kong Adventist College by the Hong Kong Department of Education.


想當護士嗎? 美國安德烈大學的護士課程能助你達成夢想! Is it your dream to be a nurse? Andrews University can make your dream come true! 💉💊🛫

最後招集~~ 各位等侯JUPAS結果的同學,如果屆時未能派到理想的科目學位,無須灰心,我們書院還剩餘少量學額,有130個學士學位課程可供選擇。如有興趣的同學請於8月7日或8月8日親臨本書院面試,通過面試的同學可於當日即場辦理入學註冊。✍ Greetings! We hope you are enjoying the rest of the summer! August 7 & 8 are the JUPAS release dates. We know some of you are anxious about whether or not you can get accepted to your passionate degree. Don't you worry! We offer 130 degrees for students to choose from. At the moment, we have a few vacancies remaining, if you are interested in our programme, please come to our campus during the office hour on Aug 7 & 8 to do the interview! ✍ Hope to see you soon!

你有對自己DSE的成績不滿意嗎?其實可能並沒有你想像中的差,如果你有任何一科達到二級成績的話,就可以獲得面試機會,修讀「大學先修文憑」取得合格成績後便可直接升讀美國安德烈大學學士學位課程一年級。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2719 1668! Do you feel bad about your DSE result? It may actually better than what you thought! If you have level 2 in any subject, you will get a chance for an interview, "Diploma in Pre-university studies" can take you back to the track, by getting a pass from this course, you will be able to get back into year 1 of Andrews University undergraduate courses. If you want to know more in details, please call us at 2719 1668!

You can be a specialist💁💁💁


You can fly up high!✈✈✈

各位應屆的DSE考生,美國安德烈大學的學士學位課程及本院的大學先修文憑課程現在只剩餘少量學額,如欲報讀,請盡快與我們聯絡! 電話:2719 1668 電郵 🚀📝 To all the DSE students, There are only few placements left for the Andrews University degree courses, and our HKAC Diploma in Pre-university studies programme. If you would like to enrol to our programme, please contact us at 2719 1668 or email us at 🚀📝

聽日就到放榜日啦,各位已經有「有條件取錄信」的同學收到成績之後,記得要來辦入學手續!💪💪💪 即使成績未如理想,差少少的話,仍然可以來我們書院嘗試申請,Andrews University 會視乎個別情況,有可能例外錄取個別同學。 假若成績相差比較遠,我們書院設有「大學先修文憑」,入學條件只需英文科達二級成績便可,一年制課程,取得合格成績後可直升Andrews University學士學位課程一年級! 各位應屆DSE考生,不用過份擔憂,出路其實有很多 ! 我們明天見!👣👣👣 Tomorrow is gonna be the DSE result release day, student who has already had the condition offer, remember to come to our school for enrolment soon after you received the result. 💪💪💪 Even though the result may not turn out as expected, may be just about to meet the entry requirement, you may still come try to apply Andrews University, there might be exception to admission for individual circumstances. Don't worry if your result is far fetch from the requirement, there is "Diploma in Pre-University Studies" offered by our college, the only requirement for this course is English in level 2. After you have passed this course, you will be able to get back into Year 1 of Andrews University Bachelor degree programmes. There are always solutions, we will see you tomorrow!👣👣👣

過去多年的努力,終於於昨日收成,願各位安德烈大學的畢業生即將開展人生的新一頁,前程似錦! 🎓👣👣👣💼 Graduates from Andrews University got paid for their effort yesterday, we wish them a good future, and begin their new page of life! 🎓👣👣👣💼

還未報名留位的你,請趕緊把握最後機會!!! Quick reserve yourself a place for the seminar on the coming Sunday July 2, 2017!!!

We were so happy to have the visitors from Southern Adventist University. #SeventhDayAdventist #Visitors #Workout


NEAR Hong Kong Adventist College - 香港三育書院