SUAVIS - A meaning of Sweet, Soft, and Charming. Enhance your attractiveness by enjoying the professional and comfortable lash treatments provided by us. Our mission is to enhance your eyes with a natural yet effective appearance, with our specially trained Suavis Lash stylist, you can be ensured that your eyes and lashes are in good hands and well taken care of. Here at Suavis, we have a deep passion for beauty and art, eyelash extension is not just a technique to us but an artistry.
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Suavis is the meaning of Sweet & Charming. Come and discover yourself at the heart of LKF! #findyourglamour #professionalservices #eyebeauty #eyelashextension #eyelashbeautyincentral #chanelcoco #cocochoosessuavis #beyourself #besteyelashextensionsaloninhongkong
Instagram photo by ⚓️Jade from JM & MADCOUPLE • May 11, 2016 at 7:15am UTC
Supported by famous beauty blogger @Jade Lam
Instagram photo by 黃美棋 • May 4, 2016 at 3:50am UTC
HK artist Meiki BB is also choosing Suavislash, you know where to go for a high quality eyelash extension treatment in town! 美棋BB 都選擇的美睫salon,自然美就是如此簡單~ #meikibb #naturalbeauty #suavislash #central #bestintown
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Who here didn't start out wearing your mother's clothings? We tried to look pretty like mommy. It's time to pamper mom with a beautiful surprise and let her look pretty just like you! From now until 15th May, Get a pair of Suavis lashes done with mom, Post a picture and enjoy 50% OFF for mommy!! Mom always give you the best, now it's your turn to treat her even better @Suavis Lash. 誰沒有偷偷走進媽媽的衣櫥,人細鬼大地想跟媽媽一樣漂亮?長大後的妳更懂得愛美,那麼便要把握時機!趁著這個母親節,為媽媽獻上美麗驚喜!由即日起到5月15日,與媽媽二人同行享受美睫療程並上載二人美麗照片,媽媽立即可享半價優惠!小時候媽媽都給妳最好的,現在妳要給她更好的@Suavis Lash
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Bloomme Party night~ you girls had fun adding a touch of color on your eyes? #colorfuleyelash #central #suavislash #bloomme #party #nightout
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為何選擇 Suavis? 曾光顧的客人應該都知道,Suavis 不硬銷套票,我們相信只要做好自己,客人自然會再度光臨。Suavis 著重的是維持高水準的服務與衛生水平,不斷提升產品及技術質素。因此 Suavis 的客人可舒適無壓力地享用療程,免受騷擾。 Why Suavis? Suavis believes every lady deserves a cozy environment to enjoy an intimate treatment. Our team are trained to pay more attention to keep up with the high standard service and excellent cleanliness. There should not be any irritating package selling. In Suavis, you can have an experience with the latest product and the world best technique in the most relaxed manner.
MediLASE PRO-U 激光永久脫毛
【對的毛髮,遇上對的地方】 今個3月份,MediLASE x Suavis Lash 復活節 Crossover 送出驚喜優惠! 1,凡於 Suavis Lash 完成美睫療程後,即可獲贈 MediLASE 激光永久脫毛 PRO-Test 及療程乙次! 2,凡恵顧 MediLASE 即可獲得 Suavis Lash Bar 港幣 $200 現金券乙張!數量有限,送完即止。 #Suavislash x #MediLASE #永久脫毛你識揀 #No1激光脫毛科技 #新一代激光脫毛 #永久脫毛 #唔洗敷冰 #激光脫毛 #ShuffleHairtoRightPosition #LaserHairRemoval x #EyelashExtension #嫁接睫毛 #日式美睫 #自然性感甜美任你揀 #最優質的美睫體驗 #可能係香港最好嘅美睫專門店
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各位女士,把握黃金機會,應有毛的地方有毛,不應有毛的地方踢走毛毛! 由即日至起至3月31日,凡於 Suavis 完成美睫療程後,即可獲贈 MediLASE 激光永久脫毛 PRO-Test 及療程乙次 (腋下)。 We are happy to announce the launch of Suavis and MediLASE joint promotion from now until end of March! You can redeem a free PRO-Test and underarm laser hair removal treatment at MediLASE after purchasing eyelash extension treatment at Suavis! Don't miss this golden chance to shuffle the hair to the right position!! #Suavislash x #MediLASE #ShuffleHairtoRightPosition #LaserHairRemoval x #EyelashExtension #激光脫毛 #嫁接睫毛 #日式美睫
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Happy Valentines's Day Ladies!! Model Eva Pinkland has prepared a sweet and adorable look at Suavis! Come and try out our colorful lashes and get a sweet everyday look from the moment you wake up!! #23366328 情人節快樂!在如此甜蜜佳節,女士們當然要時刻美麗動人,城中潮模兼DJ Eva Pinkland 就選了Suavis的粉系睫毛,簡單為妝容作完美點綴!妳也來一雙彩色睫毛,輕鬆打造每天的潮流造型!!#23366328
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Happy Chinese New Year🎉 Wish all of you a prosperous year of the Monkey🐒 Set a goal Stay Suavis Make this be your best year ever! 恭喜發財🎉祝大家🐒年萬事勝意 新年新目標 定要甜美迷人 讓今年成為最璀璨豐盛的一年!
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Model Eva Pinkland is in love with Suavis pastel color eyelash extension! Let's get your eyelash ready by a touch of pink for the upcoming Valentines Day~ 人氣潮模 Eva Pinkland 也愛上Suavis Lash 的粉系睫毛 , 今個情人節妳也來展現一下具個性的粉系魅力~