本公司專營韓國化妝及護膚品,在韓國設有公司直接從各知名廠家取貨 WHATSAPP : +85295213134(龍小姐)
Bungalow No.9 features Fragrance Diffusers and Soy Wax Candles manufactured in U.S.A.
本公司自設廠房,專業承接生產各類高級時裝加工 , Our company has its own factories that are specialized in producing all kinds of high fashion processing.
Photography | Calligraphy | Design
SoBEAUTÉ 頂級手工飄柔眉 頂級手工3D立體眼線 隱形眼線 無唇框水晶蜜唇 預約及查詢 : whatsapp +852 9842 8231
Solomon Bloemen is the design studio by internationally renowned and multi award winning floral designer, Dr. Solomon Leong.