Fashion Walk
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Weibo Fashion Walk 是時尚潮流、國際美食, 品味生活的代名詞, 提供獨特的室內及室外購物環境, 位於銅鑼灣核心由四條具活力的街道包圍──記利佐治街, 百德新街, 京士頓街和加寧街。Fashion Walk冠以時尚基地, 充滿當代時尚氛圍, 綻放時裝界新勢力, 收集品味情報。來融入這個時尚社區, 參加 Fashion Walk 社交平台的時尚交流, 與志趣相投的朋友分享及發掘最愛的品牌, 跟本地時尚生活博客, 打造流行新熱潮。
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網絡名稱: Fashion Walk (無需密碼)
In a unique fusion of indoor and outdoor ambiance at the heart of Causeway Bay, encompassed by four vibrant streets – Great George, Paterson, Kingston and Cleveland, Fashion Walk is a distinctive shopping destination that offers the latest in fashion, gastronomy and lifestyle. Discover up-and-coming brands or chill out over a drink, it is the celebration of the very best contemporary life has to offer. Fashion Walk is home to Fashion Intelligence, the come together of ideas and insights. Join our community where kindred spirits can come together to discover, explore and share. Stay tuned to the latest Fashion Intelligence on our social platform where you can also interact with your favourite brands, local lifestyle bloggers and other like-minded people, a place where you can share your ideas and be part of the community to shape the next hot trend.
Welcome to Fashion Walk, come and be a part of our radically new lifestyle concept.
Free WIFI service is available at Fashion Walk.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS潮聞話你知-Wildfire+篇 Pizza只係一塊有餡的薄餅?當然唔係!Wildfire+的薄餅變化多端,單單係餅底選擇就已經有拿玻里風格﹑羅馬式﹑炸薄餅及餡角薄餅,總有一款係你最愛!立即到食街品嚐,並參與Walk Your Fashion活動,讓Wildfire+成為你潮人基因一份子,探索更多精選禮遇! There's always more than one way to enjoy your pizza at Wildfire+! Deliciously diverse crust choices include the Napoletana-inspired, the Romana thin-crust, the deep-fried fritta and calzone. Try them all and choose your favorite at Food Street! Come join Walk Your Fashion to make Wildfire+ one of your Fashion DNAs and discover complimentary offers! 特別推介 Special Offers to look at: 歡樂時光6折優惠|Happy Hour 40% off HK$88任食優惠|HK$88 All-you-can-eat promotion #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashionDNA #fashion #shopping #food #PatersonStreet #Napoletana #Romana #Fritta #Calzone ____ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Enjoy UnionPay shopping privileges: Follow us on IG!
#MomentAtCWB 細雨綿綿,為熱鬧不減的銅鑼灣街頭增添了曼妙光影。 A light drizzle sprinkled the bustling streets of Causeway Bay, smearing colors and diffusing light into a soft, whimsical glow. #HKFashionWalk #fashion #shopping ____ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Follow us on IG!
#九月潮行樂趣 #與ami一同置身於法國 一輛法式三輪車出現喺食街,有咩特別事情發生呢? 其實我哋連續兩星期會於食街展出法國品牌ami嘅法式三輪車,於週末及公眾假期更會遊走於百德新街! ami更會於指定時段派發紀念品,與你一同感受法國風情。你只需掃瞄ami QR碼並做齊其他步驟即可獲得ami禮品一份~到時見! 地點: Fashion Walk食街 時間:9月22、29日 (星期五) 中午12時至下午2時 9月23、24、30日及10月1及2日 (週末及公眾假期) 下午2時至4時 #ExcitingHappenings #StayInFranceWithami Don’t be surprised if you see a French tricycle rolling at Paterson Street and Food Street, ‘cause ami is bringing us an extraordinary French experience in the coming 2 weeks! Come at designated time and enjoy complimentary treats by doing a few simple steps. See you there! Venue: Food Street, Fashion Walk Date and Time: Sep 22 & Sep 29 (Fri) 12nn – 2pm / Sep 23, 24, 30 & Oct 1, 2 (weekend and public holiday) 2pm - 4pm #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion I.T - The Official Page ---- Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Enjoy UnionPay shopping privileges: Follow us on IG!
#拆解8大潮人基因 – Veronica Li I am Veronica,I am 讀行俠 擁有高雅、美感及高冷潮人基因的時尚造型師Veronica已經成功拆解她的潮人特質,你準備好發掘你的基因了嗎? Fashion stylist Veronica has already discovered her Fashion DNA – Chill, Genteel and Robust. Have you revealed your fashionista type yet? #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashion Maje Cedele - Hong Kong ISABEL MARANT -------- Check out other fashion KOL’s videos on IG!
#潮聞話你知-eGG TART篇 為何eGG TART不是賣蛋撻?原來TART是Technology & Art的合寫!作為eGG Optical Boutique的一員,eGG TART除了售賣eGG的眼鏡外,還有一系列如VR眼鏡、360相機及智能手錶等潮流智能產品,為你擴闊視覺體驗!立即參與Walk Your Fashion活動,讓eGG TART成為你其中一個潮人基因! You may be looking at the wrong place if you come for egg tart at eGG TART! As a new concept of eGG Optical Boutique, eGG TART (eGG Technology & ART) showcases VR glasses, 360 camera, and smart watch along with everyday eyewear designs. Come and experience the best visual technologies at eGG TART and start your fashion journey to discover more trending complimentary offers. 特別推介 Special Offers to look at: 立即掃瞄eGG TART QR碼即可獲得HK$50折扣優惠 Scan QR code of eGG TART to get eyewear HK$50 off discount #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashion #shopping #eGGTART #eGGOpticalBoutique #fashionDNA ____ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Enjoy UnionPay shopping privileges: Follow us on IG!
【Fashion Walk x iCREMERiA 有獎遊戲】 潮人之味,莫過於每分每秒品嚐最新最潮美食!iCREMERiA 近日推出雪糕新口味,立即掃瞄圖片上的QR碼並參加活動,即有機會獲得iCREMERiA新口味雪糕一杯 (價值HK$50,名額30位)! 遊戲玩法: 1.「讚好」Fashion Walk 及 @I Cremeria Facebook 專頁 2.「讚好」及公開「分享」此帖文 3. 於此帖文下的留言欄內回答以下問題: 問題一:iCREMERiA 屬於哪一種潮人特質? 提示:於www.walkyoufashion.com登記新的帳戶並輸入iCREMERiA代碼FWICMR,或以新的帳戶掃瞄QR碼即可知道答案 問題二:iCREMERiA 會推出甚麼新口味? A:香桃味 B:熱情果味 C:法國香橙朱古力味 D:甜橙味 4. 以20字內(標點符號不計算在內)說出你喜愛iCREMERiA的原因,並Tag兩位朋友。 5. 提交正確而最具創意的答案兼完成遊戲步驟的30位幸運兒,即可獲iCREMERiA新口味雪糕一杯。 遊戲截止時間:2017年9月24日23時59分完結(以GMT+8香港時間為準) 得獎名單將於 2017年10月3日或之前於此遊戲貼文留言欄位置公佈。 遊戲條款及細則︰ #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashion #shopping #fashionDNA #iCREMERiA ________ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Follow us on IG!
#拆解8大潮人基因 – Charles Lam I am Charles,I am 雅力士 喜歡冷色系的運動型衣飾及重視衣飾創新設計的時尚專欄作家Charles Lam 展示了冷酷、前衛及活力的時尚特質,你的潮人特質又是什麼? Fashion columnist Charles Lam has a Fashion DNA of Chill, Edgy and Robust, which represents his inclination towards cool, cutting edge, and dynamic styles. How about you? #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashion #ami #Stadious Sandro Paris -------- Check out other fashion KOL’s videos on IG!
#銀聯卡驚喜購物禮遇 快來Walk Your Fashion,到訪一系列潮店熱點,除了可發掘你的潮人基因外,銀聯卡持有人更可尊享驚喜購物禮遇!即日起至10月2日,凡以銀聯鑽石Prestige卡、銀聯鑽石卡及銀聯白金卡消費達港幣$500至港幣$1,199的顧客,即可獲得Fashion Walk參與商戶港幣$100優惠券,消費金額達港幣$1,200或以上,更可得到Fashion Walk參與商戶港幣$300優惠券! *換領活動受條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱 Have you Walked Your Fashion yet? Apart from discovering your fashion DNA, we've also prepared exciting privileges for UnionPay card holders! From now till Oct 2, shoppers with UnionPay Diamond Prestige Card, Diamond Card or Platinum Card may redeem HK$100 voucher of Fashion Walk Participating Merchant upon spending of HK$500 to HK$1,199 and HK$300 voucher of Fashion Walk Participating Merchant upon spending of HK$1,200 or above. Happy shopping everyone! *Terms and Conditions applies. For more details, please visit #HKFashionWalk #WalkYouFashion #fashion #shopping #offer #UnionPay ________ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Follow us on IG!
#潮聞話你知 - King Ludwig Beerhall篇 King Ludwig Beerhall一年365日出品的德國脆皮咸豬手重量,相等於74,400隻法國Gillardeau生蠔!餐廳更有其他馳名菜色及啤酒,讓你體驗傳統德國風味!親身到訪Fashion Walk,參與Walk Your Fashion活動,讓King Ludwig Beerhall成為你的潮人基因一份子,並探索更多精彩禮遇! King Ludwig Beerhall serves a total weight of Crispy Roast Pork Knuckle equivalent to 74,400 French Gillardeau Oysters, 365 days a year! The restaurant offers a wide seletion of authentic German cuisine and beer with traditional German ambience! Start Your Walk at Fashion Walk, scan your Fashion DNA and discover more complimentary offers now! #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashion #shopping #food #FoodStreet #KingLudwigBeerhall #CrispyRoastPorkKnuckle #fashionDNA ________ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Enjoy UnionPay shopping privileges Follow us on IG!
Walk Your Fashion, Get Your Offers! SCAN/掃描你的潮行熱點QR碼,CONNECT/連繫至你的潮人特質, DISCOVER/發掘更多精彩禮遇!時尚潮行盡在Fashion Walk! SCAN your favorite brands’ QR codes. CONNECT with your respective fashion attributes. DISCOVER complimentary offers. All in Fashion Walk! #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashion #shopping #fashionDNA #scan #connect #discover ____ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Enjoy UnionPay shopping privileges Follow us on IG!
#拆解8大潮人基因 – Pamela Cheung I am Pamela,I am 柔情果 熱情、高雅、充滿美感的代表,非甜美教主Pamela莫屬。你都希望自己擁有柔情果的潮人基因?立即去片follow她的潮行路徑啦! Fashion and lifestyle blogger Pamela is the representative of – Passionate, Genteel and Sensuous. Do you share the same Fashion DNA with Pamela? #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion #fashion kate spade new york Francfranc Hong Kong LOG-ON official page -------- Check out other fashion KOL’s videos on IG!
#FashionWalk潮look 女士們想好好享受慵懶周日,時尚舒適優雅的休閒服是必備之選。 立即來Fashion Walk Ted Baker掃瞄QR code,即有機會獲得精美禮品一份*! Girls, enjoy your lazy Sunday with this extravagant detailing, stylished and comfy newest loungewear range. A chance to get a complimentary gift* by scanning QR code of Ted Baker at Fashion Walk! #HKFashionWalk #WalkYourFashion Ted Baker Hong Kong #TedSaysRelax 門店地址: Fashion Walk 記利佐治街11-19號室內商場地下8,21及一樓6號舖 Shop Address: Shops 8 & 21, G/F & Shop 6, 1/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk *受條款及細則約束,送完即止。Terms & Conditions apply, while stocks last. ____ Let’s Walk Your Fashion! Follow us on IG!
