Interior Architect / Design Consultant / Fitting Out Work
有老闆防叔熱情既款待, 老闆娘Mei 姐既用心制作, 再加上一堆美食既誘惑, 你抵唔抵擋得住先? 拿!唔好俾藉口自己,快啲黎試下先講!
烤肉哥哥 Oppa Korean Restaurant Renz Music Studio 紮根於屯門多年,提供各樣的音樂服務與及專業的音樂課程。
Lunch 12:00~15:00 Dinner 18:00~23:00
Clover Knot 時尚設計手鏈專門店。靈感來自浪漫之都「布拉格」,是設計藝術的死忠派,所有作品均為100%香港製作。最受情侶和對飾物設計有要求的朋友愛戴。
Campus TV of True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
The Horizon is the line where the sky meets the earth. ORIZON is where the school community, both the administration and students, come together.