查詢及報名: 25043633, 辦工時間: 星期一至五: 15:30 - 19:30, 星期六及日: 10:00 - 17:00
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A modern, relaxed dining experience that’s all about the duck & the Pinot grape. Enjoy Peking Duck that’s freshly roasted onsite.
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Native English language secretarial and typing services. Audio transcription, copy-typing, minute-taking, editing, proofreading, formatting and Powerpoint
W Hub unites Start-Ups and Talent. W Hub allows Start-Ups to showcase who they are and what they do via a profile-driven platform and attract Talent.
MICHAELAM DESIGN & DECO LTD 美高室內設計有限公司由2013年成立至今,我們所提供各類室內設計及工程項目包括:住宅,樣板間,商店,餐飲及辦工室.