第二十三屆香港科技大學學生會編輯委員會候選內閣「文鏡」 古有言「以人為鏡,可以明得失」。我們冀望透過文章,能使同學借鑒各種人和事,並做好報道真相和揭露不公義的第四權角色。
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SBC is an independent skateboarding crew based in Hong Kong, having a shop in Fanling (near the skatepark) and in Yau Ma Tei (X game street).
The Bar Wanchai Deserves!
「正是品格」為一本地機構,致力推動品格教育,建構良好品格文化。 Character Right is a local organization promoting character education and building ethical culture in Hong Kong.