We are an international missions training and mobilization center that trains & sends passionate, committed young people to the world's least reached peoples. We invite you to join us!
OBHK is the first officially accredited outdoor experiential education organistion within Asia. Accredited by the Association for Experiential Education.
香港海豚保育學會是香港唯一一個專為香港鯨豚動物而設的學會。HKDCS is the only society dedicated to the conservation of whales, dolphins and porpoises of Hong Kong.
❤本店專營售買西班牙首飾,100%西班牙設計及製造,部份貨品更是全人手精製,手工精緻,全港獨有。❤ 地址:銅鑼灣軒尼詩道505號電業城 9樓 903號舖 (中國銀行旁電梯直達), 鄰近崇光百貨。
專門訂購韓國進口童裝的網上商店, 誠意替各位爸爸媽媽揀選最可愛, 最潮的童裝服。
Positive training for your dog and you! We provide dog and puppy training, home boarding and dog walking.
Importer and distributor of boutique, artisinal, luxury drink brands throughout China, Hong Kong and Macau.
籬笆村提供家庭式照顧, 給待家的流浪貓狗一個與人類生活, 相處, 建立信任的中途站.
查詢及報名: 25043633, 辦工時間: 星期一至五: 15:30 - 19:30, 星期六及日: 10:00 - 17:00
專業汽車保養,維修,翻新,電腦度軚尺,Corner Weight 地址:沙田大圍成運路21-23號群力工業大廈地下5號鋪 電話:2395-1330