GIA證書鑽石、鑽戒及鑽飾 度身訂造 求婚戒指,結婚對戒 以遠低於零售品牌的價錢購買與大行相同品質的鑽石。GIA鑽石鑑証師提供專業意見,款式齊全。
BLOODLINK is a non-profit organization founded in Hong Kong in 2014
No.1 Wang Tak Street Happy Valley Hong Kong
Established by Lady May in 1916, The Helena May is a heritage building providing the amenities of a club and conduct various activities to promoting the welfare of women and girls in Hong Kong.
Italian Restaurant , PASTA, GRILL & SEAFOOD
富士山55 地址:尖沙咀麼地道75號南洋中心地下7-8號 電話號碼: 2723 7737