Established by Lady May in 1916, The Helena May is a heritage building providing the amenities of a club and conduct various activities to promoting the welfare of women and girls in Hong Kong.
Party Catering Service 宴會餐飲服務 Innovative Gourment Supplies 創意食材批發
[專業認可] - 醫院管理局認可 配藥高級文憑課程
Seek For Those Who Love Dancing! Pursue Your Dreams! Work Hard Play Hard!
Crown Fine Art serves large and small museums, major art galleries and private collectors providing packing, customized crating, transportation, customs assistance, storage, delivery, unpacking and exhibition coordination services.
四驅車場位於 元朗錦上路鐵路站B出口, 錦上路跳蚤市場 地鐵站一出就到, 交通方便 附近更有跳蚤市場, 燒烤場及農莊週邊設施, 可供遊玩 逢星期六、日及公眾假期, 上午12時至晚上8時開放
地址 : 筲箕灣亞公岩道六號 電話 : 25685201 主日崇拜:每主日上午十時三十分