Tagus Residences, at No. 8 Ventris Road, is a property designed with the modern urbanite in mind. All apartments are for lease only.
美味中式小炒 Delicous stir-fried dishes 大碗傳統車仔麵 Traditional Chinese noodles with soup 新鮮即制製健康果汁 Freshly squeezed healthy juice 各款優惠午/晚套餐 A variety of set meal
我們專營各類家居燈飾及電器,歡迎蒞臨參觀。 地址:屯門建發街開泰工廠大廈22/F 2207室 Tel 37499386 開放時間: 星期二至日 11:00-19:00 逢星期一休息(紅假及公眾假期除外)
YC 是一間專營世界頂尖品牌正貨的零售及批發商,擁有超過20年經驗,採購團隊遍佈全球,手袋,手錶,服裝,配飾,禮品等一應俱全。
Cafe Deco is the flagship outlet of Cafe Deco Group, an Art Deco themed international restaurant with spectacular views over Hong Kong from Victoria Peak.