the incredibly nice gourmet ice pops
女傭廚藝改進 Maid Cooking Lesson 活動場地租用 Venue Rental 私人派對安排 Private Party
A specially curated beachside gathering fusing internationally renowned DJs and live performances with a very special art exhibition!
元朗擊壤路9號金寶大廈1樓C室1號房(元朗廣場巴士總站樓上) TEL:9285 2122, 敬請預約!
Open Relationship.......
Keep in touch with AIESEC in Hong Kong MC Team here. This is an internal channel for AIESECers.
提供淘寶網,天貓綱代購服務,並可以在香港提貨收貨,我們在大陸和香港亦設有實體寫字樓,同時在淘寶上擁有實名認證及達鑽石級的網店, 並不會收取任何代購費用, 客戶絕對可以放心購買。
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