A Journey for the world community. 因遊得義,因義而遊
swim gears designated for aquaholics email: info@poloseven.com
Interior Design, Advertising, Furniture, Home Decor, Gardening, Landscaping
香港傳統英式糖果店: 中環擺花街37號/ 灣仔春園街38號! Traditional British Sweet Shop at 37 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central; and 38 Spring Garden Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong!
本會宗旨為18個月大幼兒至5歲兒童提供平衡車體驗,讓小朋友透過學習平衡車運動鍛鍊平衡基礎,大小肌肉、活動感觀及手眼恊調。 逢星期二至五下午本會提供平衡車及頭盔試玩,歡迎查詢。
Platform Nine and Three-quaters
Mind + Art Marketing + Advertising Movie + Animation