Instagram :Hamlet_sneaker 本店專門售賣NIKE, ADIDAS, VANS, NEW BALANCE, CONVERSE各種潮流鞋款及運動鞋, 本店亦設有代訂服務, 歡迎向本店查詢!
utime Fitness focuses on the customer first, providing members with the best equipment, guidance and value added services 24 hours a day.
Shiny Eyes提供以下服務~ 頂級手工飄柔眉 頂級韓式隱形眼線 詳細可參閱fb內的相片 Shiny Eyes的服務均需提前預約喔!歡迎Whatsapp 93856615 查詢及預約~
Design and Production of Gift and Premium.
Thorson Production House雷神,我們擁有專業的設計、攝影、廣吿策劃、活動製作、表演團隊。 曾合作機構或客戶:sony、香港傳藝節、港鐵
Party Home -獨立房間 -四個主題房 _不需與其他客人公用房間
屯門龍鼓灘村 136 地段 (K52巴士總站對面) Tel:2613 8129 whatsapp: 5601 1002
Founded by Jakie koon ming Leung since 1989, providing hobby classes for all ages, morning and evening classes. Including hand building and throwing.