We serve more than hundred kinds of beer from all over the world. We provide the best food and beer for any customer who comes to visit us
❤本店專營售買西班牙首飾,100%西班牙設計及製造,部份貨品更是全人手精製,手工精緻,全港獨有。❤ 地址:銅鑼灣軒尼詩道505號電業城 9樓 903號舖 (中國銀行旁電梯直達), 鄰近崇光百貨。
Over 15 years of experience in the fashion accessory business, We provides you with a complete line of garments.
本公司為世界知名品牌Swift Springs 香港代理,歡迎訂購,訂購時間只需要約1-2星期,查詢請電:97164439 /54452508
專業汽車保養,維修,翻新,電腦度軚尺,Corner Weight 地址:沙田大圍成運路21-23號群力工業大廈地下5號鋪 電話:2395-1330
✳️本店主是售賣外國服飾,而本店店長會不時從歐洲、韓國 和 日本 搜購服飾回港銷售 ✳️本店設有實體店(元朗嘉城廣場1樓1032號)
(PCHK) PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF HONG KONG- Every Sun@10am To Raise Up A Spirit-Filled Community Loving God Wholeheartedly and Loving People Passionately!
We know that your pets are part of your family and you want the best care possible for them. We offer specialized services for avian and exotic patients!