廚一秉承「共享」的理念,和各位顧客「共享」世界各地優質又經濟的高級食材! 廚一專業採購團隊有多年食材採購經驗,對於產品質素,種類,穩定性均有嚴格標準。
The Bar Wanchai Deserves!
Posche Models is an international agency representing models for runway, catalog, editorial and lifestyle print, with 9 offices globally.
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G-Force Game Zone
Eurosport Asia-Pacific reaches 17 countries in the region and launched an HD channel in September 2011. Eurosportnews is the sports news channel transmitted worldwide.
Wine Passions is Italian wine marketer & one of the the largest independent Importer, serving over 100+ local retailers, restaurants & hotels in Hong Kong, Macau & Greater China. [www.winepassions.com]