A coworking space in Aberdeen, southern district of Hong Kong. A member's co-working space for freelancers, small businesses, and creative workers.
To enjoy a wide choice of authentic German cuisine and beer, King Ludwig Beerhall serves not just the delicacies, but also the traditional German ambience
Official Website - http://baristahk.com Class Booking - http://baristahk.com/calendar/ Sharing the fun that Coffee can create with EVERYONE!
小店有代購香港產品,集體團購,及零售特色產品! 歡迎有意的台灣,內地及本地朋友查詢! WhatsApp: +852 96001915 LINE ID : 1291812 WeChat ID : ty96001915
Crostini Bakery & Cafe為配合不同地區的需要,在不同的門市均會有不同的營業時間,請參閱"簡介"作為參考。
原色汽車護理 REAL COLOR CAR CARE WORKSHOP! 還原你汽車原有的顏色或更出色! 全面的汽車護理服務! 洗車...打腊...奈米漆面塗增.....奈米玻璃膜.....
本店設有門市;由店主精心選購-主營男女裝;另亦有售特色雜物 Name:Apple(+852) 聯絡資料☎ Whatsapp:59843867 Ig:APPLEXHOUSE Wechat:AppleHouse186 Line:applehouse186