Description is your source for uncommon and rare reptiles and amphibians. Shipping worldwide is possible.
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facebook.comOffer for Hamm, shipping or pickup: Sauromales ater - Chuckwalla Single females available. You can choose your exact animals on the fotos. Animals are from Arizona and Nevada. Prices go from 200€ to 220€ for males and 220€ to 250€ for females. Reservation possible with small deposit. I have also some unsexed juvenils from Nevada for 160€ each available. Discount on groups. Wholesellprices available. VAT transfer possible.
Available for Houten, shipping or pickup in Schwelm: Sauromales ater, super nice animals,extra females available, Adult and subadult 1.1.3 Lygosoma khoratensis. Only legal once worldwide 1.1.2 Cyrtodactylus dumnii 2.2. Gambelia wislizenii 3.2 Lamprolepis smaragdina Pyxicephalus adspersus, juvenil Ceratobatrachus guentheri, both sexes! Thamnophis sauritus Bufo marinus Hyla vasta Phrynosoma platyrhinos, only males left 3.3 Coleonyx mitratus 2.3 Gehyra marginata, big and fat Leioheterodon madagascariensis and geayi Ahetulla nasuta 2.4 Norops biporcatus 3.3 Norops cupreus More infos and more fotos via PM.
some beautiful reptiles, that are for the first time worldwide legally avaialble fom Thailand. Some just in extrem small quantity. Some even just 1.1 or 1.2. Let me know if you are interested in PM.
A few Norpops (Anolis) biporcatus and cupreus that are available for Hamm or pick up. Super nice animals in top condition.
Just one day till Hamm show. Time to leave and build up the table. We´ll bring a hugh variety of animals. Candoia, Tiliqua, Tribolonotus, Rhampholeon, Cecilians, Bothrochilus, Varanus, Dendrosophus, Philothamnus,......, just too name a few. You find us at row Z2W For everyone delievering animals for Export: It will be crowded. So please be patient with us :)
Some real nice animals I just imported from Togo. After a day here they started eating and drinking. Atheris chlorechis Bitis nasicornis Bitis rhinoceros Dasypeltis fasciata Dendohyrax dorsalis Crossarchus obscurus and others... Most will be sold out fast. For some you can already make reservation for the upcoming import.
Table ready. Now time for paperwork. I hope all have a save to Hamm.
Still available for pickup or Hamm: 2.0 Ophiophagus hannah WC Indonesia. One male has around 3 meter, the other 2,6 meter. Both doing real fine in captivity. Please inquire for more information and more pictures. Only for experienced keepers.
Finally arrived, available for Hamm or shipping: Pelusios cupulatta Only a few animals. Different sizes. WC Ghana.
Available for Hamm
We have some nice pairs of Lygodactylus cf conraui available. They eat well and are active. Please PM for more information.
Available for Houten tomorrow or handover in Germany: Cryptelytrops insularis blue This are the last animals avaiable this year, as our quota for imports from Indonesia for 2016 is already completly used. From the last once we only sold 5 animals within Europe, the rest went to the US. So take your chance to be one of the only keepers of this beautiful specie in Europe.