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AS-11 Sportmanagment

Bahnhofstrasse 81, Mühlheim, Germany
Consulting Agency



Player's agent FIFA / DFB License We cover all areas that are important for a football player.
Our player's, coaches and agents are all FIFA/DFB liscensed. The Players' agents, scouts, marketing experts and professional staff is always success oriented and aligned flexibly to the needs of the players.

If the player is popular due to their sporting quality, the clubs will be willing to consult people who are interested. Then the conditions will be discussed .The last word is always the player. They try to claim a maximum sporting success. Our goal is to provide the players in their sporting and business development further advance and to represent their interests.
Player's agent FIFA / DFB License
The job of a consultant requires players dealing with various personalities such as sports directors, club directors, managers, football players, family members and partners . While coaches and club managers usually have only the team as a whole in view, it is mainly the Player's agent, who takes care of the individual needs of the players. The clubs are therefore very interested in reputable and competent agencies that optimally serve their soccer players, so that they can provide the best possible athletic performance.

Furthermore, it is important to have a good network reputable players consultant agency. The placement of the player runs through contacts, and a player or manager of a club wants to achieve the optimum results for itself. However, this can only happen if a player consultant agency has enough options and alternatives to recommend to the ideas of the association's corresponding player.


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Erster Auftritt in der 1Mannschaft vollzogen weiter gehts nächster schritt😎🖒🖒🖒

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Herzlich Willkommen Oguzhan Mohammed Demirici in unserer Agentur As-11 Sportmanagment.Wir bedanken uns dir und deiner Familie fur das ausgesprochene vertrauen uns gegen über.Wir wünschen dir viel glück Erfolg und hoffen auf eine langjährige zusammenarbeit.Nochmals Herzlich Willkommen ⚽⚽⚽⚽👍👍👍👍

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Herzlich Willkommen bei Eintracht Braunschweig.

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Ovim putem čestitamo nasem Harisu Kevacu na Transferu i potpisivanjem ugovora sa Eintracht Braunschweigom ovdje u društvu sa Sportskim direktorom Eintracht Braunschweiga Marc Arnoldt.Nakon dosta razgovora i razmisljanja dosli smo ipak do zaključka da je ovo najbolja odluka za Harisovu budućnost i njegovo napredovanje.Bilo je i drugi primamljivi ponuda ali je ipak Braunschweig bio i dosta konkretan i uporan u dovodjenju naseg Harisa Kevaca.Mi mu ovim putem zelimo sve najbolje puno srece i uspjeha. 👍👍👍👍⚽⚽⚽.

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Cestitamo nasem Ameru na osvajanju XXL Cupa u Dvorani u Hildesburgu(Berlin) sa svoja 3 gola i 2 asistencije bio je jedan od naj efikasni igraca i sa svojom upornosti doveo svoj klub Wacker Nordhausen do finala i na kraju i do pobjede i osvajanja tog Turnira.👍👍👍👍👍👍

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Zahvaljujemo se nasoj Kaniti za preljepu Novogodisnju Tortu i sve je u znaku nase Agencije.🎂🎂🎂ovim putem zelimo svim prijateljima i poslovnim partnerima sretnu i uspjesnu novu godinu.

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Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Eintracht Braunschweig jetzt schon im Winter??.Haris Kevac auf dem Wunschzettel ganz oben 😎🖒

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

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Nas Amer Halilic koji sa svojih samo 18godina igra na zavidnom nivou u svom klubu Wacker Nordhausenu koji se takmici u Regionalligi 4.liga brzo je prevukao paznju na sebe odgovornih u tom klubu koji su vidjeli njegovu sposobnost i potencijal.Tako da je doslo do potpisivanja ugovora.Ovdje je u drustvo sportskog direktora inace ikone Njemacke Bundeslige Mauricia Gaudina.Nasa Agencija zeli nasem Ameru sve najbolje u drugom djelu sezone sa jos vise postignutih golova.👍👍👍👍👍

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AS-11 Sportmanagment

Nas mladi Amil Seferovic koji je odigrao prvoklasnu polusezonu u novom klubu Darmstadt 98.Svi odgovorni na vrhu sa njegovim trenerom Petr Ruman su prezadovolnji njegovim ucinkom.I mi kao njegova Agencija smo zadovoljni njegovim napretkom i jedva cekamo proljetni dio sezone.Samo nastavi tako Amile.👍👍👍👍

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Dobro jutro Radni Narode zelimo vam sretan i uspesan dan i sve naj bolje. Schönen guten Morgen Sportsfreunde wünschen euch einen tollen und Erfolgreichen Arbeitstag.

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Unser Amer Halilic obere reihe erster von links.

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Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post

Etwas Ruhe nach Diagnose unserem Spieler Amil Seferovic auf baldige Genesung und eine starke Rückrunde für Darmstadt 98!!!!😎🖒

Photos from AS-11 Sportmanagment's post


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