Trier University of Applied Sciences
Department of Gemstone & Jewellery
Vollmersbachstraße 53 a
55743 Idar-Oberstein
Germany Gemstones & Jewellery
Students at the University of Fine Arts in Idar-Oberstein embark on the search for their place and role as jewellery makers in today’s society. Particular our location in Idar-Oberstein, a global trading centre for gemstones, gives special meaning to the debate over gemstones as a material. Moreover, an experimental approach to other materials is expressly encouraged, as our BFA- and MFA study programmes have the development of students’ own artistic expression as their primary objective.
Edelstein und Schmuck
Studenten an der Hochschule der Künste in Idar-Oberstein begeben sich auf die Suche nach ihrem Platz und ihrer Rolle als Schmuckschaffende in der heutigen Gesellschaft. Aufgrund des Standortes Idar-Oberstein, einem Welthandelszentrum für Edelsteine, kommt der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Material Edelstein eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Darüber hinaus wird explizit der experimentelle Umgang mit anderen Materialien gefördert, da die Entwicklung einer eigenen künstlerischen Ausdrucksweise vorrangiges Studienziel ist.
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facebook.comIHM: Congratulations to our alumni selected for SCHMUCK 2018! Patrícia Domingues (MA 2013) and Edu Tarín (MFA 2015) • IHM International Trade Fair, Hall B1, Munich • 07 - 13 March 2018 Sonderschau SCHMUCK 2018: " More than 900 goldsmiths and jewellery designers fro, 65 countries have applied to be part of the renowned special exhibition at the Internationale Handwerksmesse in Munich 2018. Hans Stofer, professor at the London Royal College of Art and of the jewelery class at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, has selected 65 entries from 21 countries for SCHMUCK 2018 to be exhibited at the special show." Patrícia Domingues: Edu Tarín: Handwerk & Design (Schmuck): #patriciadomingues #edutarin #schmuck #ihm
IHM: Congratulations to our alumni selected for TALENTE 2018! Pia Groh (BFA 2017) and Helen Habtay (MFA 2017) • IHM International Trade Fair, Hall B1, Munich • 07 - 13 March 2018 Sonderschau TALENTE 2018: "Arbeiten aus 11 unterschiedlichen Gewerken von 110 jungen Gestaltern aus 30 Ländern." Pia Groh/ Astonish: Helen Habtay/ Astonish: Handwerk & Design (Schmuck): #piagroh #helenhabtay #talente #ihm
GZ: "Ganz schön steinig". Bericht von Christel Trimborn und Prisca Degroat über unsere Alumni Tanja Falkenhayner (Diplom 2000) und Pia Groh (BFA 2017) sowie unsere ehemalige Gaststudentin Sanni Falkenberg (UCA Rochester, Kent, Austauschstudentin im Sommer 2011). Tanja Falkenhayner (Diplom 2000): Pia Groh (BFA 2017): Sanni Falkenberg (Gaststudentin 2011): GZ 06/17, S. 38 GZonline: #tanjafalkenhayner #piagroh #sannifalkenberg #stone #goldschmiedezeitung # gz
Rosige Aussichten für 2018 .... ....wünscht Ihnen das Team der Fachrichtung Edelstein und Schmuck des Campus Gestaltung der Hochschule Trier am Standort Idar-Oberstein. ©photo by Katja Köditz "Verdrehte Welt" Idar-Oberstein Campus:
Nelly van Oost (MA 2012) • Brooch: "Singe à la carotte" • New silver, paint and steel • 2017 • ©photo by C. Monreal WCC•BF Galerie: "Nage libre - Exposition en collaboration avec le musée La Piscine à Roubaix" with Nelly van Oost (MA 2012) et al. • WCC•BF, 17/02 Rue de la Trouille, Mons • 28 October 2017 - 04 February 2018 Exhibition page on WCC•BF: Nelly van Oost on WCC•BF: #NellyvanOost #WCCBF
WCC•BF Galerie: "Nage libre - Exposition en collaboration avec le musée La Piscine à Roubaix" with Nelly van Oost (MA 2012) et al. • WCC•BF, 17/02 Rue de la Trouille, Mons • 28 October 2017 - 04 February 2018 Exhibition page on WCC•BF: Nelly van Oost on WCC•BF: #NellyvanOost #WCCBF
Current Obsession: "SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair: Giving Niche Jewellery A Home Since 2001" by Kellie Riggs Thank you so much mentioning our alumnis Matthias Dyer (Diploma 2012), Julia Baudler (BA 2014), Denise Ebert (BFA 2017), Katie Jayne Britchford (MFA 2017), Lina Goltsios (BFA 2016), Azhar Ali Malik (MFA 2016) and Sabine Wehr (Diploma 2006). "The latter’s claim to fame is their role in the contemporary renaissance of the use gemstones in jewellery after the 1970’s, ‘due to its rediscovery as a material that can be creatively shaped by artists.’ This was said by Wilhelm Lindemann in the nsaio6 – New Jewellery from Idar-Obserstein catalog, the original exhibition from which Idar’s presentation at SIERAAD is an excerpt. ROCK STARS. Jewellery from Idar-Oberstein focuses specifically on the application of gemstones in contemporary jewellery by its bachelor and master students, made over the last fifteen years. In this show you’ll find many marvels: a knuckle-duster carved out of solid agate (Lina Goltsius); mushroom shaped pendants hand-cut from real pearls (Sabine Wehr); industrially elegant compositions of emeralds or lapis with plastic and steel (Matthias Dyer); and dazzling experimental faceted smoky quarts and rock crystal (Azhar Ali Malik), just to name a few." "German designer Julia Baudler is one of them. In the past, she’s exhibited in Vienna, Munich and Bucharest, but never before in Amsterdam, Her cheery, colourful jewellery precisely matches her enthusiasm to be included. Playfully working within standard jewellery tropes, her baubles toy with the balance between perception, value and illusion. Her necklaces, pins and sometimes mismatched earrings of gemstones, silver, glass, silicon and resin are simply fun to look at and to wear. Like other designers, Baudler hopes to take advantage of the fair’s reputation of having an open-minded and similarly colourful audience." Kellie Riggs Current Obsession: Campus Idar-Oberstein: SIERAAD:
Current Obsession: "SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair: Giving Niche Jewellery A Home Since 2001" by Kellie Riggs Thank you so much mentioning our alumnis Matthias Dyer (Diploma 2012), Julia Baudler (BA 2014), Denise Ebert (BFA 2017), Katie Jayne Britchford (MFA 2017), Lina Goltsios (BFA 2016), Azhar Ali Malik (MFA 2016) and Sabine Wehr (Diploma 2006). "The latter’s claim to fame is their role in the contemporary renaissance of the use gemstones in jewellery after the 1970’s, ‘due to its rediscovery as a material that can be creatively shaped by artists.’ This was said by Wilhelm Lindemann in the nsaio6 – New Jewellery from Idar-Obserstein catalog, the original exhibition from which Idar’s presentation at SIERAAD is an excerpt. ROCK STARS. Jewellery from Idar-Oberstein focuses specifically on the application of gemstones in contemporary jewellery by its bachelor and master students, made over the last fifteen years. In this show you’ll find many marvels: a knuckle-duster carved out of solid agate (Lina Goltsius); mushroom shaped pendants hand-cut from real pearls (Sabine Wehr); industrially elegant compositions of emeralds or lapis with plastic and steel (Matthias Dyer); and dazzling experimental faceted smoky quarts and rock crystal (Azhar Ali Malik), just to name a few." "German designer Julia Baudler is one of them. In the past, she’s exhibited in Vienna, Munich and Bucharest, but never before in Amsterdam, Her cheery, colourful jewellery precisely matches her enthusiasm to be included. Playfully working within standard jewellery tropes, her baubles toy with the balance between perception, value and illusion. Her necklaces, pins and sometimes mismatched earrings of gemstones, silver, glass, silicon and resin are simply fun to look at and to wear. Like other designers, Baudler hopes to take advantage of the fair’s reputation of having an open-minded and similarly colourful audience." Kellie Riggs Current Obsession: Campus Idar-Oberstein: SIERAAD:
Campus Idar-Oberstein: Stellenauschreibung über eine W2-Professur für das Lehrgebiet "Gesellschafts- und Kulturwissenschaften im Kontext der Materiellen Kultur" Deadline: 12 Januar 2017 Beginn: 01 April 2018
Alejandra Solar (MFA 2014) • Brooch "Murmullos" • Slate, dyed agate, silver and print • 2015 • ©photo by artist Museum Volkenkunde: "Jewellery: Made By, Worn By" with Alejandra Solar (MFA 2014) et al. • Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden • 13 December 2017 - 03 June 2018 • Opening: 12 December 2017,6:30 pm Alejandra Solar: Museum Volkenkunde:
Museum Volkenkunde: "Jewellery: Made By, Worn By" with Alejandra Solar (MFA 2014) et al. • Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden • 13 December 2017 - 03 June 2018 • Opening: 12 December 2017,6:30 pm "In its forthcoming winter exhibition, Museum Volkenkunde – the Netherlands’ national museum of ethnography – will be presenting the largest collection of jewellery ever to be displayed in a Dutch museum. Almost 1000 items of jewellery by designers from all over the world will guarantee a feast for the eye, as well as plenty of surprises and no small measure of wonder. As well as exploring how people around the world adorn themselves, the exhibition will also zoom in on the makers, the techniques they use, and the extraordinary stories of some of those who wear the jewellery." Alejandra Solar: Museum Volkenkunde:
Boos von Waldecksche Hof: "Edle Weine, edle Steine" • Studierende des Campus Idar-Oberstein präsentieren ihre Arbeiten gemeinsam mit anderen Schmuckmachenden und Winzern aus der Region • Boos von Waldecksche Hof, Meisenheim • Samstag, den 09 Dezember 2017 (15 - 19 Uhr) und Sonntag, den 10 Dezember 2017 (11 - 16:30 Uhr) • Eintritt: 10 €