Americans providing health care for Americans in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Providing physical rehab and same day walk-in medical care to Americans living in the Kaiserslautern and Weisbaden area.
We are open for business! Please call today for information or appointments.
Rehab: 06371495020
Urgent Care: 06371495021
Carla M. Frankart, R.N., BSN
Tell your friends
RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS📝 Please note: We will be open today (the 5th of April) from 8-12pm for blood work ONLY, and on Friday, the 6th of April for scheduled nutritionist appointments ONLY. We will not be open for appointments and urgent walk-ins on either of these days. However, normal hours will resume on Monday, April 9th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
#friendlyreminder 🐰🌷🐣
🐰🥕 AMC will close for Easter on March 30 - April 2
Happy New Year!!! 2018 Closing Dates: March 30 and 2 April 🐰🥕 May 28 🇺🇸 June 27 will close at 5pm reopen July 9 at 8am☀️ Aug 31- Sept 3 Nov 22-23 🍗🍂🦃 Dec 19 will close at 12pm and reopen Jan 2 at 8am 🎄/🎆
Interested in #yoga? Check out the #AMC yoga group!
🎄🎅🏻🤶🏻 AMC will be #CLOSED from 20DEC at 12pm - 2JAN!!! ••• We will #reopen 3JAN at 8am. Please make sure to plan your refills accordingly! #HappyHolidays
Friendly Reminder: American Medical Center will close at 12PM tomorrow and reopen at 8AM, Monday November 27th 🦃🍽🍂 #HappyThanksgiving
#AmericanMedicalCenter will be at the BX today on Ramstein Air Base from 10am -4pm Stop by our table and say hi! 🎪🎈
🗓 It's #OpenEnrollmentSeason for Federal employees. Please remember, in 2018 our billing department (Ransom International Partners) will no longer direct bill with GEHA.
🍏🍓🥝🍊 The dietitian has 2 openings tomorrow at 11:30am & 3:00pm. Give us a call if you would like to schedule an appointment. #13Oct2017
Flu shots ARE IN!! Call us to schedule your appointments today!! #fighttheflu #AmericanMedicalCenter #Landstuhl #Germany #Flu #FluShot Check out

The smiles betray how hot it was, how much work we did, and how much we sweated. #hotyoga #wediditthough #istanknow

Day 1 of the first "English Doula" Childbirth Education Course!

Here we go again....the doc said she's never seen someone with iron saturation levels so low. <SIGH>



My IV pole has a friend today... 😂🐸#pediatricroomprobs

#savasana #hotyoga #intentions #grateful

My shoulder ...The yellow think is a valve hooked to tubing on neck for nerve blocker meds. .I am doing good

American halloween party! #popcorn #scary #customs
