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Chair of Information Management

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen, Germany



The Chair of Information Management (IM), led by Professor Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe, perceives the management of information and information technology (IT) as the key success factor for corporations in the digital age. The Chair focuses on research areas such as:

1. Strategic information management: IT governance, Business-IT relations and alignment, corporate knowledge, IT project management, Sustainable IT resource management

2. Management of Information Security: IT-Risk Management, Risk Assessment of Emerging IT, Return on Investment for IT, Privacy and security for electronic channels, regulatory demands, security across companies' borders (business networks)

3. Management of IT-innovations and emerging IT, new business models on the basis of IT such as mobile technologies, emerging IT as enabler of new business ideas such as Web 2.0 opportunities, IT in the residential environment


Greetings from Seoul! In the past days, our team members presented the following articles at the International Conference on Information Systems 2017 and related workshops: Distributed Cognitive Expert Systems in Cancer Data Analytics: A Decision Support System for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Tofangchi, S.; Hanelt, A.; Böhrnsen, F.) Unraveling the Interaction of Information Systems and Ecosystems – A Comprehensive Classification of Literature (Nischak, F.; Hanelt, A.; Kolbe, L. M.) Understanding the Scene Data: Pavement Area Grouping in Images (Chatterjee, S.; Hildebrandt, B.; Kolbe, L. M.) Adapting Carsharing Vehicle Relocation Strategies for Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicle Services (Brendel, A. B.; Lichtenberg, S.; Nastjuk, I.; Kolbe, L. M.) A Decision Support System for Computation of Carsharing Pricing Areas and its Influence on Vehicle Distribution (Brendel, A. B.; Brennecke, J. T.; Zapadka, P.; Kolbe, L. M.) Exploring the Role of Perceived Digital Connectedness for Technology Acceptance in the Digital Age: Construct Development and Scale Validation (Marz, D.; Leonhardt, D.; Hanelt, A.; Kolbe, L. M.)

Today, as part of the regular team-event, the Chair of Information Management visited the production site of the California-Van at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles in Hannover :-)

Dear Students, We invite you to "Lunch meets Abschlussarbeiten" this Friday (25.08), 12.00 noon at ZHG 1.141. You will have the opportunity to listen to interesting thesis presentations of our master students on the topics of "predicting optimal treatments for chronic diseases" and " analysis of big data in context of retail banking". Moreover, you will gain insights into the Chair of Information Management, get in contact with the research associates of the chair, and be able to have a conversation about prospective thesis topics. You are welcome to enjoy free pizza & drinks with us at the end of the event. Sounds interesting? If yes, then kindly register per email (mraheel(at)uni-goettingen(dot)de until 25.08, 08:00. Please use your university email address. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Dear Students, We invite you to "Lunch meets Abschlussarbeiten" this Friday (28.07), 12.00 noon at ZHG 1.141. You will have the opportunity to listen to interesting thesis presentations of our master students on the topics of effect of information management systems on job satisfaction & role of IT in social marketing. Moreover, you will gain insights into the Chair of Information Management, get in contact with the research associates of the chair, and be able to have a conversation about prospective thesis topics. You are welcome to enjoy free pizza & drinks with us at the end of the event. Sounds interesting? If yes, then kindly register per email (mraheel@uni-goettingen) until 27.07, 18:00. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday.

First fellowship in Digital Transformation awarded to Peng Huang The Digital Transformation Research Center (DTRC), led by Dr. Andre Hanelt, at the chair of information management of Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe, is pleased to announce that they successfully awarded the first "Fellowship in Digital Transformation" for guest researchers. The fellowship was initiated to enable the cooperation with international top-level researchers in the field of digital transformation. From a number of excellent applications, Peng Huang, assistant professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, was selected. Peng Huang is doing research on the topics of "platform technology and innovation ecoystems", "knowledge-sharing virtual communities", as well as "consumer search and decision making in e-commerce". His work was featured in renowned journals, such as Journal of Marketing, Management Science, and MIS Quarterly. From the 5th of July, he will be starting his two-month research visit at the DTRC in Göttingen. Further personal details:

Dear Students, We invite you to "Lunch meets Abschlussarbeiten" this Friday (30.06), 12.00 noon at ZHG 1.141. You will have the opportunity to listen to interesting thesis presentations of our master students on the topics of digital transformation, technostress, and intrapreneurial behavior. Moreover, you will gain insights into the Chair of Information Management, get in contact with the research associates of the chair, and be able to have a conversation about prospective thesis topics. You are welcome to enjoy free pizza & drinks with us at the end of the event. Sounds interesting? If so, then kindly register per email (schahin.tofangchi@uni-goettingen) until 29.06, 18:00. Looking forward to seeing you this Friday.

Forschungsprojekt GoeGreen: Als Kunde Geld sparen und die Benutzer- und Umweltfreundlichkeit von Car-Sharing steigern Kundinnen und Kunden des Car-Sharing-Unternehmens Grünes Auto Göttingen können zur Zeit die Verteilung der Fahrzeuge mitgestalten und Preisrabatte erhalten. Die Teilnahme findet über die kostenlose App GoeGreen statt, die von Studierenden der Universität Göttingen entwickelt wurde.

Im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit an der Georg-August Universität in Göttingen wird eine Untersuchung zu Dating-Portalen durchgeführt. Dabei bezieht sich die nachfolgende Befragung auf die ehemalige oder jetzige Nutzung der Social-Dating-App Tinder. Die Befragung ist anonym, die Daten werden vertraulich behandelt und werden nur für wissenschaftliche Zwecke verwendet. Die Befragung dauert circa 15-20 Minuten. Als Dankeschön für die Teilnahme gibt es einen von drei Amazon-Gutscheinen im Wert von 20€ unter den Teilnehmern zu gewinnen! Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!

Dear Students, We invite you to "Lunch meets Abschlussarbeiten" this Friday (19.05), 12.00 noon in VG 3.104. You would get a chance to listen to the interesting thesis presentation of our master student about changing information security behaviour. Moreover, you can get information about the Chair of Information Management, get in contact with the research associates of the Chair and have a small talk about prospective theses topics. Ofcourse, you are welcome to enjoy free pizza & drinks with us at the end of the event. Sounds interesting? if yes, then kindly register per email (mraheel@uni-goettingen) till 18.05,18:00. Looking forward to see you on Friday.

An der Professur für Informationsmanagement hat einen Gruppe von Studierenden eine Smartphone-App zur Optimierung der örtlichen Carsharing-Fahrzeug-Verteilung entwickelt, die gerade in einer Feldstudie zusammen mit Grünes Auto Göttingen getestet wird.

Dear Students, We invite you to "Lunch meets Abschlussarbeiten" this Friday (31.03), 12.00 noon in ZHG 1.142. You have a chance to listen to the interesting thesis presentations of our master students, get more information about the Chair of Information Management, get in contact with the research associates of the Chair and eat free pizza with us. If you are interesting in joining the event, please register per email (mraheel@uni-goettingen) till 30.03,18:00. Hope to see you on Friday!

Planning to do a master thesis in cooperation with a Uni in the land of kangaroos? We are excited to announce a collaboration between Macquarie University and The University of Goettingen. This collaboration allows for students doing their master thesis to be coached by Dr. Mauricio Marrone from Macquarie University, which is in Sydney, Australia. Students looking to do their master thesis with the Chair of Information Management are gladly invited to choose one of the following topics: 1. Hit or Flop: Predicting innovation diffusion through what the media says about an innovation 2. Discovering trending topics in the news and the emotions surrounding these topics 3. Old ideas end up in university textbooks: a look at the topics covered in university textbooks and the frequency they appear in academic and practitioner literatures There is an opportunity for excellent students to later do an exchange with Macquarie. Moreover, completing your master thesis on these topics will prepare you to maybe continue with a joint PhD between Macquarie University and the University of Goettingen. Through this joint PhD, students will spend half of their time studying at the University of Goettingen and half of their time at Macquarie University. Candidates must have excellent English skills and may be considering to continue to do a PhD. If you plan to apply, please send your favored topic, CV, grade sheet from Flex-Now (simple print out), and desired start date to Ilja Nastjuk (


NEAR Chair of Information Management