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BCNV Relocation

Milnersvej 20B, Hillerød, Denmark
Consulting/business services



This is a school assignment, therefore not a real firm. To read more about the firm, please click on the "about" botton right below.  BCNV Relocation is a relocation firm located in Denmark. We specify in exchanging trainees between Denmark and our base in Madrid.

Our goal is to make the journey as smooth as possible. Therefore we take responsibility for the basic details of the stay, such as housing etc.

We have great connections in Madrid and have co-operated with international schools and other educational institutions. This makes it possible for the trainees to bring their family.

BCNV will have advisors available at all times, they will teach you the basic norms, standards and traditions in Spain.

BCNV Relocation will be with you all the time during the stay and will be ready to give advice and answer any question you may have.



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