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Almani - Italian Food Selection

C.F Richs vej 99B , Frederiksberg, Denmark
Retail and consumer merchandise



Almani seleziona per voi i migliori prodotti locali Made in Italy
Kvalitet, passion, kreativitet og pålidelighed: disse er vores key-drivers.

Almani Group ApS er en forretning baseret i København, der leverer høj kvalitet italiensk kaffe med fuld service distribution.

"Alessandro, Massimo og Nicola - AL, MA, NI" - navnet kommer fra deres initialer - er tre italienske kaffespecialister som har valgt den bedste kaffe til det danske marked, nemlig Caffé Cagliari.

Almanis mission er at arbejde tæt sammen med enhver kunde for at kunne tilbyde ikke kun et produkt, men også en god service.


Quality, passion, creativity and reliability.

These are the key-drivers of the Almani Group ApS, a Copenhagen based business providing high-quality and full service distribution of coffee.

“Alessandro, Massimo and Nicola – AL,MA,NI” – the name comes from their initials – are three Italian entrepreneurs, who are specialists in coffee and have chosen the best coffee – Caffé Cagliari – for the Danish market.

Almani wants to be known as a recognized distributor that will work closely with each customer in order to offer not only a product but also a good service.



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