Mikkeller Running Club
To become a member of Mikkeller Running Club, click here:
The idea of Mikkeller Running Club is to stay fit through running. That makes us capable of enjoying even more of the good life – which includes state of the art food and drinks.
Obviously our main passion is beer – especially drinking beers – and sometimes (preferably) in large scales.
The club is founded by Mikkel Borg Bjergsø, who is also the creator and owner of Mikkeller.
It is not a coincidence that Mikkel chooses to focus on running. He used to be quite the talent, and as a youngster he performed very well on the tracks, which earned him scholarships in the US, and some Danish records.
However, speed is not the main target in Mikkeller Running Club. Having fun and great social relations is our top priority and we´re just proud to see MRC members take part in races and events around the world.
Every first Saturday of the month we meet up for a training session in Copenhagen. Meeting point may vary due to the nature of the activity – but when possible we always finish up at Warpigs Brewpub in Kødbyen, where we share a couple of beers – our own Mikkeller Running Club beer.
In 2015 we will introduce our own first official race – The “CBC day 0” – Copenhagen Beer Celebration day 0 Race.
You do not have to be an experienced runner or athlete to join MRC…all we ask is for you to come join us and have fun staying healthy – and sometimes a bit tipsy!!!
We hope to see you wear the shirt around the world….
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Tomorrow we meet for the monthly MRC Training. Everybody's welcome and we have teams suitable for all types of runners and beer drinkers. Find your local chapter on www.mikkellerrunningclub.dk or here on FB 📷 @theismortensen
Mikkeller Running Club
Fællestræning #18
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow... Ps. We will be selling adidas gear at very reduced prices!
Big thanks to Copenhagen's best cocktail bar Mikropolis for hosting the first MRC Thursday. May we have many more great runs, beers and cocktails...
Photos from Mikkeller Running Club's post
MRC Thursday Premiere Edition - husk alle er velkomne til en løbetur hver torsdag kl. 18 fra Mikropolis i Vendersgade.
Timeline Photos
Warming up for saturday! 📷 @priscilafurulifotografia #mrcsaopaulo http://intranet.nhsinfo.com.br/priscilafuruli/index.php/portfolio/esporte/mikkeller-running-club
Timeline Photos
@claushechmann paid us a visit the other day. Testing with @hechmannrunning is always interesting!!
Mikkeller Running Club — Priscila Furuli Fotografia
News from Sao Paulo...
Mikkeller Running Club - Bangkok #16
Mikkeller Running Club - Bangkok #15
MRC San Diego 1st Run
MRC Monday
På baggrund af jers gode input, er vi klar til at justere lidt i vores mandagstradition. Tidspunktet er ændret til kl. 17.00, og der vil fremover være to hold med en kaptajn tilknyttet at vælge imellem: The Beer Geeks - ruten er ca 10 km i pace 4:45 It´s Still Alive - Alle kan være med - rutens længde og pace aftaler vi sammen...
Though my legs still hurts after the running competition yesterday there is still room for a slow fun run with the mikeller running club at Kødbyen #running #havefun #fitness #sparta #run #runforfun #mikeller #kødbyen #copenhagen #watchout #louisedichmannnielsen #health #beer #monday #instagood #instalike #instarun #greatfeeling

Run for beer @mikkellerrunningclub 💺 @alsingmajor

10 DKK per kilometer for @dkindsamling with the greatest running club in the world @mikkellerrunningclub #dkindsamling #mikkellerrunningclub #spaghettilegs

If you ran today, please donate at least 10,- per km @mikkellerrunningclub @dkindsamling @hechmannrunning @kaisersport @nbrorunning #løbmodfattigdom

@mikkellerrunningclub @dkindsamling #løbmodfattigdom @hechmannrunning @kaisersport @nbrorunning Thanks!

Tak for turen i dag! #mikkellerrunningclub #løbmodfattigdom #mikkellerbeer #18streetbrewery

Lørdags holdet - øl og løb 🏃🏼💨🍻 @livpivsiv @nikolaiutzon #running #beer #mikkeller #vesterbro #meatpackingdistrict

Der løbes for Danmarks indsamlingen! #danmarksindsamling2016 #friskemennesker #energibajer #strålpånål #warpigs #mikkeller #mikkellerrunningclub

Family beers at Mikkeller🍻 Copenhagen @beer_of__the_day

Sunday @mikkellerrunningclub

22K - Estreando em grande estilo a camiseta Mikkeller Running Club São Paulo... #CiaRunStart #MRCSP #MikkellerRunningClub #RunToBeer #TreinaQueVem #WeRun #BrasilRunners #GoKele #CorrendoPorAi #RunHappy #VaiCorrer #PaquitasQueCorrem #AnitaPeloMundo #RunnersCommunity #TriboRun #RunMiMiRun #RunBabyRun #WeAreTheRunners #CoolHunteRun #UrbanRunners #QuarkRun #DietaEprazer #ColaNaDebs #OperacaoForaMimimi #ViajarParaCorrer #CervejeiroCorredor #MulheresCervejeiras #CorreMulherada #WomensRunningBrazil #GirlsRunningMarathon

10K - Mikkeller Running Club São Paulo #CiaRunStart #MRCSP #MikkellerRunningClub #RunToBeer #TreinaQueVem #WeRun #BrasilRunners #GoKele #CorrendoPorAi #RunHappy #VaiCorrer #CorroCedo #AnitaPeloMundo #RunnersCommunity #TriboRun #RunMiMiRun #RunBabyRun #WeAreTheRunners #CoolHunteRun #UrbanRunners #QuarkRun #DietaEprazer #ColaNaDebs #OperacaoForaMimimi #ViajarParaCorrer #BeerRun #RunForBeer #CervejeiroCorredor #MulheresCervejeiras #CorreSampa

O melhor Mikkeller Running Club do mundo! São exatamente 76 cidades no mundo que abrigam um MRC. Na eleição dos melhores do ano fomos à final, disputando com Paris, Chicago, Toquio e Nova Iorque. São Paulo ficou em primeiro lugar, no nosso ano de estreia. Fica o nosso muito obrigado, mais uma vez, ao Giba Tarantino pela confiança e ao Rodrigo Kimura, sócio proprietário da Quark, por todo empenho e dedicação. André Pereira, CiaRunStart, Zuca Fonseca, Bruno Ville, André Clemente e Leo O. Cervejeiro, valeu demais toda ajuda na divulgação e realização! Priscila Furuli, as fotos ficaram excelentes! E os professores Milena Preter, Vera Saporito e Anna Lande, parabéns pelo excelente trabalho realizado. Agora nos resta melhorar ainda mais o nível, já que a concorrência em 2016 vai aumentar... Já começa agora, neste sábado, dia 16, com o primeiro treino do ano. Em instantes maiores informações. Cheers! #QuarkSports #Quark #QuarkRun #Mikkeller #MikkellerRunningClub #Mikkellerbrasil...

MRC Monday - absolutely freezing, - but good fun! Sorry to the guys, who didn't make the team photo...

Et stærkt hold! #hvasaa #løb @mikkellerrunningclub
