Et RHINIX™ næsefilter forebygger symptomer på høfeber.
Mere end 500 millioner mennesker verden over plages af nys, kløe og en løbende næse i pollensæsonen.
Rhinix er en medtech virksomhed stiftet i 2011. Rhinix udvikler, fabrikerer og markedsfører Rhinix næsefiltre, der har en forebyggende effekt imod høfeber. Vores produkt reflekterer vores mantra: enkelthed og effektivitet.
For mere information, besøg:
English version:
Around 500 million people worldwide suffer from sneezing, itching and runny nose symptoms, whenever the pollen season hits.
As a young commercial stage medtech company founded in 2011, Rhinix develops, manufactures and markets the Rhinix Nasal Filters for seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Our product reflects our mantra: Simple and effective.
For more information, visit
Hvornår skal jeg bruge næsefilteret?
Det vigtigste er, at du sætter Rhinix i næsen, før dine symptomer begynder. Fx før din næse begynder at løbe om morgenen eller før du bevæger dig udenfor. På den måde er filteret optimalt forebyggende.
Hvordan får jeg fat på nogle næsefiltre?
Du kan bestille dem på Leveringstiden er 1-3 hverdage. Du kan også købe dem på dit lokale apotek.
Hvor godt virker Rhinix?
Vi har påvist, at Rhinix virker godt på nys, kløe og løbende næse samt irritation i halsen. Vi har netop færdiggjort to nye forsøg, som forhåbentligt kan give os et endnu bedre indtryk af filtrenes effekt. Dem kan du læse mere om her:
Skal jeg kun trække vejret gennem næsen?
Nej, du skal trække vejret fuldstændig som du plejer.
Skal jeg tage et nyt næsefilter, hvis jeg tager det ud for en stund (f.eks hvis jeg skal pudse næse?)
Du må gerne tage Rhinix ud af næsen og sætte det ind igen. Næsefiltrene er til endagsbrug, lidt ligesom endagskontaktlinser.
Må jeg bruge medicin sammen med filtrene?
Ja. Du må gøre fuldstændig det som er bedst for dig. Medicinen virker på en anden måde end næsefiltrene. Medicinen kan hjælpe på de symptomer du allerede har. Rhinix virker forebyggende, så du undgår symptomerne.
Det kilder i min næse – hvad gør jeg?
Selvfølgelig vil du i starten mærke, at du bruger et næsefilter, på samme måde som hvis du brugte briller, kontaktlinser eller et ur. Vi har gjort alt for at designe Rhinix på en måde, så du forhåbentlig glemmer, at du har det siddende. Tidligere forsøg har vist, at dette var tilfældet hos vores testpersoner.
Hvor synlig er Rhinix?
Vi synes selv, at de er ret usynlige. Prøv at se videoen her:
Hvilken størrelse skal jeg vælge?
Der findes et filter til hver en næse. Rhinix findes i small, medium og large. Du kan se vores størrelsesguide her:
Filteret dækker jo kun næsen. Hvad med det pollen, jeg får ind igennem munden ?
Tell your friends
facebook.comHave you ever thought about what pollen grains look like? Even though it is our common enemy, it can still be utterly fascinating. Under the microscope, they reveal their true nature and incredible forms. Happy Thursday
Are you pregnant and allergic to pollen? Rhinix may be ideal for you if you would like to avoid unnecessary chemicals during your pregnancy, but don’t want to make compromises to your lifestyle due to your allergies. Rhinix nasal filters are clinically documented and work preventively against hay fever symptoms. The filters are designed with focus on functionality, comfort and discreteness and best of all, they are completely free of chemicals or drugs and their possible side effects. - Perfect for you and your unborn child. #Rhinix #Pregnant #Pollenfree
Hi everybody While we can rejoice that the grass pollen season is fading, there is still one last hurdle we must overcome together. Ragweed has just made its presence felt on Danish pollen counters. This weed grows on fallow fields, along the road and in the forest. It normally reaches its peak pollination around the start of August, so be alert. There are several strands of this troublesome weed and one by the name of Ambrosia artemisiifolia triggers hay fever so badly that it is recommended by Asthma Allergy Denmark that you pick, store and subsequently burn it where ever you find it! Have a nice pollen free weekend wishes from Rhinix.
Hi everyone We would like to share some interesting statistics from the Danish “apothecary organisation” The Danish people use twice as much medication counteracting hay fever and other allergies than twenty years ago. In 2015, 100 million doses of anti-allergy medication was used. That's an average of 18 doses per citizen every day. It’s wonderful that people can be helped in this way, but we hope to turn this trend around by giving preventive relief without chemicals and their side effects with the use of Rhinix. #Rhinix #Pollenfree #NoChemicals
Hi everyone Just a small reminder that you can find tips and tricks as well as answers to frequently asked questions in the note section on our Facebook page. Enjoy the rest of your day :)
Hi all Grass allergy season is long - luckily, in Europe, it peaks toward the end of June. Lets hope that less pollen-filled times are ahead. A fun fact about pollen level records to keep you going: In Denmark, the highest recorded level was found in 2014 in Copenhagen with 325 pollens/m3. - Unlike many other records, this is one that we don't want to see broken. Enjoy your summer.
Hay fever season is upon us, its dreary nature is however easily out shined by the many amazing festivals! :P In Denmark, North Side festival kicks off today followed by Roskilde and many others! We obviously hope you all have wonderful weather for your festivities. - And as your Mom would say: "Don't forget to bring your Rhinix my dear". Good vibes and summer spirit to you all.
Hi everyone :) Here is a small update on what Rhinix is currently involved in. We are examining whether Rhinix nasal filters can be used in other contexts than hay fever. We are for example testing whether our membranes can be used by industry to spare workers from different particles. We are very excited about possibly being able to increase the quality of life for even more people. Have a nice day :)
We stumbled upon this practical invention: This japanese inventor tried to get "ahead" of the hay fever symptoms. We wonder if he was able to "cap"italize on his idea? We took it a few important steps further if you "nose" what I mean. We made Rhinix! Lovely day to all of you :)
Hi Shiny People :) What wonderful weather we have had here in Denmark for the last several days. However, this lovely summer weather has also brought with it a pollen count for grass as high as 296! Fortunately, we have sent a bunch of filters out, so the hay fever symptoms won’t destroy the good mood. We hope to reach even more people with our aid and to contribute to a pollen free summer, so feel free to share your Rhinix experiences with your family and friends. Happy Summer Vibes Rhinix
Stay updated throughout the pollen season! Every afternoon, daily pollen counts are released. This indicates how much pollen is in the air that day. HOWEVER, We have experienced that many individuals forget to check the pollen counts daily. Therefore, to make the process of preparation easier, we would like to advise everyone to use a smartphone app which includes an “Allergy Alert”, that notifies you about the pollen number automatically. For Danish people we recommend Asthma Allergy Denmark’s app “pollental”. This helps you know in advance when you should equip yourself with Rhinix and stay symptom free. This advice obviously doesn’t cover the whole world, so if anyone has recommendations for their local area, please feel free to share them in the comments below :)
How to measure pollen: What is a pollen count exactly, and how is it even possible to measure these tiny grains? The pollen count tells us how many grains were to be found in a certain amount of air during a set period of time. To collect a sample of pollen floating in the air, a plastic rod is covered with a greasy substance - commonly known as a pollen-trap. The trap spins in the air at a controlled speed over a 24-hour period. After that, a specialist studies the surface of the trap under a microscope. The particles, which have gathered on the surface, are then identified by size and shape in order to determine the types of pollen. A formula is then used to calculate the daily particle count. This long-winded process is – so far – the only way of getting to that exact pollen count, which so many people rely on. We have yet to create the right technology that is sensitive enough to distinguish the types of pollen from each other automatically.