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Basic Gym One

Avenija Dubrovnik 15, Zagreb, Croatia
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Uz stručnu podršku naših trenera i ponudu naših grupnih i individualnih treninga dovedi se u vrhunsku formu. Tim vrhunskih trenera s dugogodišnjim iskustvom u osobnoj i kondicijskoj pipremi sportaša i rekreativaca otkrit će ti pravi svijet i značenje riječi – fitness. Naučit ćeš kako uz pomoć vježbanja i pravilne prehrane promijeniti svoj život na bolje.

Pokazat ćemo ti da napretkom u vježbanju tvoje tijelo i um postaju zdraviji. Odmah ćemo te upozoriti – napredak se ne događa preko noći. Put do napretka je težak i ne postoje prečaci. Na tom putu naučit ćeš kako se nositi s fizičkim bolovima i psihičkim padovima, što će se pozitivno odraziti i na tvoj život. Današnji svijet pred tebe postavlja mnoge prepreke. S našim treninzima izgradit ćeš potrebnu snagu i otpornost da se s lakoćom nosiš s tim preprekama. Ne garantiramo ti da ćeš u tome i uspjeti. Naši treneri pružit će ti potpunu podršku, ali krajnji rezultat ovisit će isključivo o tebi i tvojoj volji.

U našem radu zastupamo funkcionalni fitness. Njegujemo tradicionalne ideje i kreiramo, te primjenjujemo nove, pomno odabrane metode treninga. Kod naših trenera pronaći ćete znanje, iskustvo i kreativnost. Dolaskom u naš prostor ne očekujte komfor koji pružaju udobne sprave u fitness centrima. Pripremite se na utege i rekvizite koji će vas odvesti izvan granica komfora i vlastitih sposobnosti.



Pred nama je novi radni tjedan, a provodite li ga uglavnom sjedeći, pročitajte ove savjete te povećajte svoju produktivnost i očuvajte zdravlje ;)

Brže i jače nije uvijek i bolje! Trenirajte pametno i napredujte 😉

Nemate ideju kakav trening odraditi kada niste u dvorani? Naš mentor Steve Maxwell pripremio je za vas kratak i efikasan trening koji možete odraditi bilo gdje. Jedino što vam je potrebno je vaše tijelo i mjesto za zgibove. Provjerite i isprobajte ;)

Tko je sve na listi, provjerite :)

Trening je stil života! Perete li zube svaki dan? Zašto? Zato jer je to potrebno da biste očuvali zdravlje vaših zubi! Bez obzira trenirate li 2, 3 ili više puta tjedno, radite to tijekom cijele godine, a ne sezonski. To je ono što objašnjavamo i našim članovima, a to je ujedno i jedan od temelja našeg sustava treninga #basictrainingforlife - očuvanje zdravlja! Svake godine sve je veći broj članova aktivnih tijekom cijele godine i zbog toga smo iznimno sretni, ali i ponosni na njih. Ove sezone Basic Gym One zatvara svoja vrata kada upišemo 300.-og člana. Četvrtina mjesta od tog broja je preostala, požurite i dopustite da postanemo dio vašeg, kvalitetnijeg života 😉

Ako želiš lijepo izgledati, osjećati se dobro i očuvati zdravlje - #basictrainingforlife 💪😉

Lijepi dani na otvorenom polako se bliže kraju, ali dolaze nam oni lijepi dani u dvorani provedeni na treninzima koji nas svakodnevno približavaju željenom cilju... Želite li ostvariti svoj cilj, potrebna je želja i vrijeme odvojeno za taj cilj. Brigu o tome kako taj cilj ostvariti preputite našim trenerima ;) Vidimo se na treningu ;)

Kad ima volje, ima i načina. Budite kreativni i odradite svoj trening gdje god se nalazili, rekviziti su svuda oko vas ;)

Ne ideš na more, a želiš trenirati? Mi smo tu cijelo ljeto! Rezerviraj termin i dođi na besplatan probni trening: ;)

Posjetite ATP Croatia Open Umag i usput saznajte kakve to treninge provodimo u našoj dvorani 😉 — Products shown: Knjiga "Basic Training for Life".

|POSEBNA PONUDA| Idealna forma spoj je tjelesnog i mentalnog zdravlja. Kako postići oboje? Naručite komplet knjiga i otkrijte provjerene metode iz oba područja! Naručite sada uz BESPLATNU dostavu:


Learning from the Coach ✍️👍 #stevemaxwell #basicgymone #procertification #stevemaxwellsc #zagreb #croatia

Learning from the Coach ✍️👍
#stevemaxwell #basicgymone #procertification #stevemaxwellsc #zagreb #croatia

Odlican prvi dan seminara sa Steve Maxwellom i Scott Burrom. Pozitivna energija tokom cijelog dana. Idemo dalje! #zagreb #basicgymone #stevemaxwell #scottburr #pro #certification #positivevibes #energy #fitnessmatters #fitnessaddict #personaltrainer #strengthandconditioning #trainsmarternotharder

Odlican prvi dan seminara sa Steve Maxwellom i Scott Burrom. Pozitivna energija tokom cijelog dana. Idemo dalje! #zagreb #basicgymone #stevemaxwell #scottburr #pro #certification #positivevibes #energy #fitnessmatters #fitnessaddict #personaltrainer #strengthandconditioning #trainsmarternotharder

@stevemaxwellsc dispensing health wisdom #health #fitafter40 #fitafterforty #fitness #training

@stevemaxwellsc dispensing health wisdom #health #fitafter40 #fitafterforty #fitness #training

Today's learning venue #fitafter40 #fitafterforty #fitness #exercise #health #maxwellsc

Today's learning venue #fitafter40 #fitafterforty #fitness #exercise #health #maxwellsc

#stevemaxwell #certification #procertification

#stevemaxwell #certification #procertification

Happening now: PRO cert, Zagreb @marinobasic

Happening now: PRO cert, Zagreb @marinobasic

...If your clients are involved in competitive sports--or dance--they are going to get do your best to prevent it, but injury comes with the terrain @marinobasic

...If your clients are involved in competitive sports--or dance--they are going to get do your best to prevent it, but injury comes with the terrain @marinobasic

...As personal trainers/, we are not physical therapists...some people are simply too f*ck'd up...the majority of your clients' physical limitations will be resolved by just getting the d@mn fat off...90% of people are simply too fat... @marinobasic

...As personal trainers/, we are not physical therapists...some people are simply too f*ck'd up...the majority of your clients' physical limitations will be resolved by just getting the d@mn fat off...90% of people are simply too fat... @marinobasic

PRO cert, Zagreb...let's make introductions... @stevemaxwellsc @marinobasic

PRO cert, Zagreb...let's make introductions... @stevemaxwellsc @marinobasic

Kettlebell Goblet squat. Great exercise for improving your squat technique, mobility and strength #fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #fitnesscoach #instahealth #basicgymone #basictrainingforlife #health #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesstips #instafitness #instacoach #workout #exercise #fatloss #abs #kondicija #strengthandconditioning #shredded #musclepictures #athleticperformance #functionaltraining #cardio #basicprocoach

Kettlebell Goblet squat. Great exercise for improving your squat technique, mobility and strength 
#fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #fitnesscoach #instahealth #basicgymone #basictrainingforlife #health #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesstips #instafitness #instacoach #workout #exercise #fatloss #abs #kondicija #strengthandconditioning #shredded #musclepictures #athleticperformance #functionaltraining #cardio #basicprocoach

I'm baaack... 😎💪🏋🏽 Vecerasnji trening odradjen, ceka se jutro za pocetak Maxwell Pro. Znanja i sertifikata nikad dosta 😊 #zagreb #basicgymone #certification #maxwell #pro #exightment #neversatisfied #stayhungry #staystrong #strengthandconditioning #personaltrainer #functionalfitness #fitnessmatters #fitnessaddict

I'm baaack... 😎💪🏋🏽 Vecerasnji trening odradjen, ceka se jutro za pocetak Maxwell Pro. Znanja i sertifikata nikad dosta 😊 #zagreb #basicgymone #certification #maxwell #pro #exightment #neversatisfied #stayhungry #staystrong #strengthandconditioning #personaltrainer #functionalfitness #fitnessmatters #fitnessaddict

Here is an idea how to put rope pull in your workouts #fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #fitnesscoach #instahealth #basicgymone #basictrainingforlife #health #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesstips #instafitness #instacoach #workout #exercise #fatloss #abs #kondicija #strengthandconditioning #shredded #musclepictures #athleticperformance #functionaltraining #cardio #basicprocoach

Here is an idea how to put rope pull in your workouts 
#fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #fitnesscoach #instahealth #basicgymone #basictrainingforlife #health #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesstips #instafitness #instacoach #workout #exercise #fatloss #abs #kondicija #strengthandconditioning #shredded #musclepictures #athleticperformance #functionaltraining #cardio #basicprocoach

"Every turn I take, every trail I track Every path I make, every road leads..." well, not back for sure! #keepgoing #justgoforit #rekreativac #hrt2 #mentalnitrening #marottiphotography

"Every turn I take, every trail I track
Every path I make, every road leads..." well, not back for sure!
#keepgoing #justgoforit #rekreativac #hrt2 #mentalnitrening #marottiphotography

#fitnesstrener #fitnesscoach #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitnesstips #gym #workout #squats #basicgymone #zagreb #mostar The Zercher squat can build quads better than the front squat. It can jack up your traps better than shrugs. It can give you a core of steel faster than most ab work. It can even give you bigger biceps.

#fitnesstrener #fitnesscoach #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitnesstips #gym #workout #squats #basicgymone #zagreb #mostar 
The Zercher squat can build quads better than the front squat. It can jack up your traps better than shrugs. It can give you a core of steel faster than most ab work. It can even give you bigger biceps.

Put different variation of squats in your workout routine #fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #fitnesscoach #instahealth #basicgymone #basictrainingforlife #health #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesstips #instafitness #instacoach #workout #exercise #fatloss #abs #kondicija #strengthandconditioning #shredded #musclepictures #athleticperformance #functionaltraining #cardio #basicprocoach

Put different variation of squats in your workout routine 
#fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #fitnesscoach #instahealth #basicgymone #basictrainingforlife #health #onlinefitnesscoach #fitnesstips #instafitness #instacoach #workout #exercise #fatloss #abs #kondicija #strengthandconditioning #shredded #musclepictures #athleticperformance #functionaltraining #cardio #basicprocoach


U OKOLINI Basic Gym One