U.S. Embassy Zagreb
Welcome to U.S. Embassy Zagreb Facebook page! We invite you to browse our page and encourage you to participate. Our website is:http://zagreb.usembassy.gov
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facebook.comDo Vize Bez Šize je opet s vama i odgovara na vaša pitanja o vizi za SAD. Danas ćemo objasniti što znači zahtjev odbijen po članku 214(b). Ako imate još pitanja o uvjetima da biste se kvalificirali za vizu, pozivamo Vas da nam se pridružite na chatu UŽIVO Pitajte Konzula ovaj utorak u 13:30 sati! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8wb0h97CPY&t=19s
Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Take a look at how the Holocaust is memorialized throughout the world. #WeRemember #HolocaustRemembranceDay https://goo.gl/wHzLxU
Do you have questions about the security environment in a country you’re thinking of visiting? Learn about our four new levels of advice at travel.state.gov/travelsafely. #TakeUsWithYou
Earlier today, Ambassador Kohorst addressed participants at the Motorola Solutions conference in Zagreb, organized jointly with Motorola’s Croatian partner Micro-Link. The Embassy is delighted to support U.S. companies doing business in Croatia, as they contribute to prosperity in both our countries!
Have you ever seen a headline saying some entrepreneur is "disrupting the industry"? Terry Jones shares what that means and how technology is making it happen. https://goo.gl/vd6UNy
Last Friday, January 19, around 60 students at Delnice's Elementary School welcomed two U.S. Marines to their classroom. The Marines are currently deployed to Zagreb and spoke with students about their background, growing up in the U.S. and their life in Croatia.
Veleposlanstvo i Ministarstvo energetike Sjedinjenih Država kroz Sandia National Laboratories, a u suradnji s hrvatskim Državnim zavodom za radiološku i nuklearnu sigurnost i Policijskom akademijom MUP-a RH ovaj tjedan organiziraju seminar na temu „Grupa za primarni odgovor“ (GPO). Cilj seminara koji je danas počeo na Policijskoj akademiji u Zagrebu je pružiti sigurnosnom osoblju obuku potrebnu za prikladno planiranje integriranog prvog odgovora na kritični sigurnosni incident koji uključuje izvor radioločkog zračenja. Koristeći teorijski i praktični format, ovaj seminar će sudionicima omogućiti izravnu primjenu znanja stečenih tijekom seminara. Na seminaru sudjeluju službenici Uprave za granicu, Zapovjedništva interventne policije, Službe za sigurnost cestovnog prometa, Službe za javni red, te Protueksplozijske službe Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova RH, kao i službenici Centra za obrambene i strateške studije „Janko Bobetko“ i Vojne policije Ministarstva obrane RH, službenici Državnog zavoda za radiološku i nuklearnu sigurnost, djelatnici AKD Zaštite, kao i djelatnici Instituta Ruđer Bošković.
At this time, scheduled passport and visa services will continue during the lapse in appropriations as the situation permits. This page will not be regularly updated until full operations resume, with the exception of emergency safety and security information.
Calling all U.S. alumni in Croatia! Have you attended a U.S. government-sponsored program/fellowship in the U.S. such as Fulbright, Ron Brown, World Chicago, JFDP, IVLP, Ben Franklin, Work and Travel Program, etc? Then please join our community of U.S. exchange program alumni in Croatia: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2058192364410881/about/ U.S. Embassy Zagreb will use this group to communicate all funding, events, and other opportunities for alumni in Croatia. Please join us!
Ambassador W. Robert Kohorst met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Thursday, January 18. During the meeting, Ambassador Kohorst and Prime Minister Plenkovic spoke about excellent bilateral and political relations between our two countries and U.S.-Croatian partnership.
More women are making their mark in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) with ideas that help the world. This FREE poster highlights women in STEM. Take the leap and think about a career in STEM! https://goo.gl/v9ZKTL