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Mala Radionica Filatelije/Little Philatelic Workshop

Josipa Pupačića 4, Spansko, Croatia
Non-profit organization



Mala Radionica Filatelije - upoznavanje mladih sa svijetom poštanskih maraka
Little Philatelic Workshop - introducing young people to the world of stamps Cilj radionica je:
•   Otkriti učenicima svijet maraka
•   Naučiti učenike o različitim vrstama i obliku maraka
•   Koji su glavni elementi maraka
•   Kako skinuti marku sa pisama i spremiti u album
•   Upoznati ih sa ostalim filatelističkim materijalom, omotnicama, žigovima
•   Kako doći do maraka
•   Pokazati kako se koristi katalog maraka
•   Potaknuti učenike na sakupljanje maraka i stvaranje zbirke
•   Kako markom ispričati priču, početak stvaranja dječjeg filatelističkog izloška
•   Potaknuti razmjenu maraka sa djecom drugih Klubova u Hrvatskoj, ali i Klubova u inozemstvu
•   Organizirati izložbe radova u školama, pošti, knjižnici.......

Kroz radionice djeca ne bi samo bila poticana na usvajanje filatelističkih sadržaja već bi to bilo vrijeme  druženja i kreativne atmosfere  koja bi doprinjela usvajanju pozitivnih navika kako kvalitetno i zanimljivo iskoristiti slobodno vrijeme.

The aim of the workshop is:
• Identify young the world of stamps
• Teach young about the different types and form stamps
• What are the main elements of the stamps
• How to exchange stamps with letters and save it in the album

• Introduce them to other philatelic material, envelopes, stamps
• How to get stamps
• Demonstrate how to use the stamp catalog
• Encourage young into stamp collecting and making collections
• How to tell the brand story, start creating children's philatelic exhibit
• Encourage exchange stamps with children from other clubs in Croatia and clubs arond the world
• Organize exhibitions of works in schools, post office, library etc.......

Through the workshop the children would not only be encouraged to adopt philatelic content but it would be a time of fellowship and creative atmosphere that contributed to the adoption of positive habits to take advantage of high quality and interesting leisure.



U OKOLINI Mala Radionica Filatelije/Little Philatelic Workshop