“Uvodimo revoluciju u svijet fitnesa. Naš inspirirajući tim dovodi u Rijeku posebno skrojene satove koji članovima donose osvježavajuće iskustvo“.
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facebook.comUzbuđenje raste, team je spreman. Još svega par dana djeli nas od svjetskog fitnes događaja BodyPump 100. A gdje si ti 14.1.? Prijavi se na recepciji ili #100strong
Bodypump 100
The schedulle for saturday, 14.1.17. is online. Check it out and don't miss to be a part of history! #100strong
Kako olakšati prve upale nakon treninga? | Snatch fitnes i trening centar – Rijeka
Krenuti nije lako! U našem novom blogu pročitajte kako olakšati prve upale i prilagodbe na trening. Sretno!
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Dragi članovi, 6.1. naš fitnes biti će zatvoren zbog blagdana! Još jedan razlog više da nam se pridružite na classu u subotu 10h Glute Specific Work :) #snatchyourday
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Nemate vremena za trening? Isprobajte naš Small Group Trening i u 30min aktivirajte cijelo tijelo :) #snatchyourday #grit
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You still didnt sign up for the new YOU, 100x stronger? Join the event and find out what's going on in Snatch on 14.1.2017.
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And we are back on! Was this an emergency switch? :P #snatchyourday
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☆Whatever happened over this past year(and we are almost finishing our first full year) BE THANKFUL for where it brought you. Where you are is where you're MEANT TO BE!☆ From all the team of Snatch, we wish you an even happier and healthier New Year! #snatchyourday #healthynewyear
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New Year warm up schedulle from 2.1.-16.1.2017. We start slow but efficient, dont miss the begining! ☆See you Snatch☆ #snatchyourday
Najveći grupni trening na svijetu stiže nam 14.1.2017. Tagaj prijatelja u komentaru i pozovi ga da ti se pridruži na ovom nezaboravnom iskustvu! #bodypump100
Snatch fitnes i trening centar's cover photo
Bodypump 100