Beach bar na plaži u uvali Jert koji nudi lude noćne provode, lijepu atmosferu te okolinu u kojoj možete uživati i piti Vaše piće ... Vidimo se u Mocci...
Mediterranean Fine Dining Restaurant famous for its rich heritage, exclusive location and excellent service.
Vrhunski kulinarski specijaliteti Organizacija ručkova, večera, proslava... Ogranizacija dječjih rođendana uz animatore...
Beautiful Istrian stone villas situated in green surroundings of small picturesque Istrian village, only 10km from the sea. Taste the magic of Istria! ;)
Bullmastiff and Pug Kennel Bullmastiff i Mops Uzgajivačnica F.C.I. 26/14
Marine Consulting is Croatian company, member of DIV Group, specialized for aluminium boat building, maintenance and repair.
No.1 u karoserijskim autodijelovima, hladnjacima, svijetlosnoj opremi
Room with bathroom for 3 people max. Air condition Free wi-fi TV Fridge Water heater Near beach, market, bakery, bus station, coffe bars Sea view