Restaurant Mali Raj
"Mali Raj'' je restoran koji daje prednost kreativnoj i modernoj kuhinji, te na jedinstven način to ujedinjuje s elegantnim ambijentom restorana i kvalitetnim izborom vina. Naša ponuda jela je uvijek bazirana na svježim i domaćim namirnica koje pripremamo na jednostavan način, po tradicionalnim načelima, ali opet s puno mašte, inovacija i strasti. Predanost i kreativnost su naš moto, jer smo spremni udovoljiti svakoj gastronomskoj želji gosta.
U elegantno i vrhunski uređenom restoranu radi osoblje s višegodišnjim iskustvom koje će Vaše povjerenje opravdati vrhunskim kulinarskim trendovima.U autentičnom dalmatinskom ambijentu s lijepim pogledom na more,nudimo vam razne specijalitete od mesa,svježu ribu po izboru,škampe,jastoge,razne školjke,domaći kruh,domaće slastice i veliki izbor dalmatinskih vina.
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Kizoa Movie - Video - Slideshow Maker: Restaurant Mali Raj & Villa Luxor wishes You Merryy Christma
Photos from Restaurant Mali Raj's post
Preparing for new sezone!!!
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Dear friends and colleagues! Since we all worked hard this year I want us all to take this day and dedicate it to yourself and your closest. Christmas brings our family and friends together again and it helps us appreciate the love in our lives which we can often take for granted. May the true meaning of the holiday season fill our hearts and home with many blessings. I wish you all Merry Christmas
Restaurant Mali Raj & Villa Luxor - Trogir,Croatia
Restaurant Mali Raj & Villa Luxor - Trogir,Croatia
Photos from Restaurant Mali Raj's post
Dear friends This season has come to the end as well,I want to thank you on a given confidence and a successful season.Thank You to all that have been and will stay our most loyal guests. Next starting season will be from 27th March,2017 with new dishes,specialities and we are sure that we will maximize our labor and do the job in the most possible efficient way! Stay safe with the best regards from your favorite dream team Mali Raj
Photos from Restaurant Mali Raj's post
This view and nice food you can find only in Mali Raj.
Photos from Restaurant Mali Raj's post
One fantastic day with my loyal staff.
Timeline Photos
Let us refresh the atmosphere with a bit of all genre music for all generations,which will be performed by our well known Blondy Band This friday evening Blondy band will make your dinner even better in restaurant Mali Raj,starting at 19.00 ! Book a table and enjoy the evening with food,joy and don't be afraid to show us your dance moves 😏