Iron Dragon CrossFit Shanghai- China's original and leading CrossFit and Strength &conditioning Gym. Pushing the boundaries of high performance training. Iron Dragon CrossFit Shanghai is mainland China’s first official CrossFit gym and affiliate of the world renowned CrossFit Inc.and the original strength & conditioning "box "in China. With international visitors dropping in everyday for a workout or just to get a t-shirt, its quickly become one of the most famous in the region. A division of China’s leading specialty fitness brand Eternity VIP Fitness Inc. offering functional and high performance quality training and fitness related services since 2001.
Sessions are run as small groups to create a team atmosphere, with individual coaching of all the movements used in each days workout. Elements are taken from plyometrics, body weight exercise / gymnastics, and olympic style weightlifting amongst other things. We mix these different modes together to create constantly varied workouts, which use the most effective exercises available to dramatically increase your fitness. You do not need to know any of the skills before you start, but you will get familiar with them quickly as you progress through your training. The facility is also home to China Kettlebell Club and the new Shanghai Barbell Club and any alternative training methods such as strongman and ninja warrior training. Iron Dragon Combat new CrossFight program features mixed martial arts and kick boxing, China's ultimate tough guys playground!
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facebook.comBattle of the Boxes #3 KETTLEBELL PARTY! August 12th. Join the fans of unconventional training with the toughest weapon in fitness. This simple tool- ball and handle, arguably the most complete training system on the planet! If you new to kettlebell training get into it with the the most experienced instructors in town for an afternoon of technical learning and fun! Oh so you know how it's done do you? Then take part in the challenges! Workshop 1. Mastering the Swing Workshop 2. Kettlebell Sport Part A. Long Cycle Clean &Jerk Part B. Snatch Workshop 3. KB Get Up Medical fitness talk- XPert Health Challenge 1. Max Weight KB Get Up Challenge 2. 5 min Long Cycle +5 min Snatch Challenge 3. 3 min Max Rep Swing As always FREE for all to participate,enjoy treats and gifts from sponsors ! When: Saturday 12th August 2017. 4:30-7:30pm Where: Heavy Wings Address: 2FL 201-202, 280 Aomen Road near Chang Hua Road 地址:澳门路280号2楼201-202室靠近昌化路 No cover
When the going gets TOUGH. How MUCH can you TAKE.. and KEEP moving FORWARD? That's how WINNING is done! # Lift For Life 2017
CHINA THROWDOWN August 26-27th ACROBAT TEAM CHALLENGE Acrobatic Gymnastics/ Acroyoga/ Acrobalance has similar characteristics where partnerships of gymnasts work together and perform figures consisting of acrobatic moves, dance and tumbling, often set to music. There are three types of routines: A 'balance' routine where the focus is on strength, poise and flexibility; A 'dynamic' routine which includes throws, somersaults and catches; A 'combined' routine which includes elements from both balance and dynamic. Usually performed where one lifts his/her partner in many different poses and positions. In partner hand balancing, a strong bottom mounter supports the top mounter in handstands, planches and other acrobatic poses. Acrobalance acts require a high degree of care, coordination, proprioceptive awareness, and mutual trust from the performers in order to avoid injury. Awards & Rules Team consists of 2 person: Male/Male, Female/Female, Male/Female Team 1,2,3 1. 5min performance on ground or bars or other apparatus. 2. Props and costumes permitted. 3. Winner based on creativity, skill, complexity, audience and judges amazement. Scan the code to sign up or email or
China Throwdown Mystery Guest Announced! This man is one of the toughest guys walking around on the planet right now. What ever your training modal- a crossfitter, lifter or cardio athlete no one can deny his feats are nothing short of amazing! His strength endurance and work capacity is beyond this world! .....And he is? Internationally renowned Russian Athlete Sergei Rachinskii is one of the strongest men in the world and one of the grandmasters of kettlebell sport. Sergei has travelled the world teaching the russian method to hundred of athletes and has dominated the sport for decades. His many records are mind blowing, undefeated and still standing. Most notable achievements is 9 times World Champion and 12 times Russian Champion. He's also holds multiple world records such as 5500+rep KB jerk @24kg and 1500+ rep snatch@16kg He's no slacker with a barbell either. A crazy 200+ reps back squat @100kg! Meet him at the China Throwdown or come join in this special 3 Day seminar SERGEI RACHINSKII’S SHANGHAI KB SEMINAR PLAN Day One 09:00 - 10:55 Kettlebell sports concept. Kettlebell sport history. The development of geographic Kettlebell Sport 11:00 - 11:55 Kettlebell sport basic movements. 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 15:25 KB jerk (basic training system and professional sportsmen specific training) 15:25 - 16:20 KB jerk exercise methods 16:20 - 17:00 - free question/answer discussion with coach about KB Jerk (your any questions about this movement) 17:00 - 18:00 - joint training with Champion _______________________________________________________ Day two 09:00 - 09:55 KB Snatch (technical features, action characteristics) 09:55 - 10:30 Snatch exercise methods 10:30 - 11:30 Kettlebell sports injury 11:30 - 12:15 Kettlebell sport additional movements exercise 12:15 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 15:25 Long Cycle (basic training system and professional sportsmen specific training) 15:25 - 16:25 Long Cycle exercise methods 16:25 - 17:20 The coaching system, competition preparing training methods 17:20 - 18:20 - free question/answer discussion with coach about KB __________________________________________________________ Day Three 10:00 - 11:55 Test time 11:55 - 13:00 - Lunch time 13:00 - 13:55 Examination of theoretical questions 13:55 - 14:55 break time for checking exams result 14:55 - 15:30 Summing up. Rewarding 15:30 - 16:00 Photos for memory 16:00 - 17:00 Joint training with Champion **special Throwdown promo price 4000RMB ** Scan the code or email
More action from last weeks Battle of the Boxes. Get down to CHINA THOWDOWN August 26-27th for some more insane Ninja tricks and jaw dropping stunts!
CHINA THROWDOWN 2017 Aug 26-27 STREET WORKOUT Street workouts is modern name for bodyweight workouts in outdoor parks or public facilities. It originated in Ancient Greece, but became a popular movement in Russia, Eastern Europe, and especially in New York in the early 2000s. Now has spread all over the world. It's a combination of athletics, calisthenics, and sports. A typical routine often consists of physical exercises such as pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, dips, muscle-ups, sit-ups and squats. Street workouts also involves some static (isometric) holds such as the human flag, front lever, back lever and planche. The workout can be divided in two branches, one being strength training and the other dynamics. Strength training includes isometric holds like: planche, front lever, back lever, etc. Also single arm pull ups, hefestos, muscle-ups and many others. Dynamics includes movements like 360's and its variations, switchblades, and an incredible variety of tricks developed by the athletes which are connected with other moves in order to create routines or sets. 3 min performance on parallel and horizontal bars. Winner based on creativity, skill, complexity, audience and judges amazement. Sign up by scanning the code. Wechat iron-dragon or email:
CHINA THROWDOWN 2017 STRONGMAN In the past, Strongmen would perform various feats of strength such as supporting large amounts of weight odd shaped and uneven objects held overhead at arm's length, steel bending, chain breaking, etc. Large amounts of wrist, hand, tendon and core strength is required. The modern version also known as strength athletics involves competitors displaying their raw functional strength through exercises such as lifting rocks, toting refrigerators, logs, pulling trains, and trucks behind them. This is the first strongman event endorsed by the government and Work Strongman Federation. For Time: Heavy Pull Competitors will pull a heavy weighted object for a set distance. Super Yoke Carry Apparatus composed of a crossbar and two uprights. The uprights each have a heavy weight attached to them, and the competitors must carry the yoke on their shoulders for a short distance. Farmers Carry Competitors carry heavy objects in each hand for a set distance, and compete for the fastest time. If there is a tie, the athlete with the lowest body weight is the winner. Sign up now by scanning the code email or call 17765159828 or wechat:
CHINA THROWDOWN 2017 KETTLEBELL SPORT Competitive kettlebell lifting has a long history and is the national sport of Russia. Relatively unknown in the West, its fame has grown exponentially in the past 15 years as the style of training has become more popular worldwide. Kettlebell Sport consists of three lifts: The snatch, jerk and the long jerk also known as long Cycle. Was the original AMRAP competition. High volume endurance and work capacity unmatched! This event will be the first to be endorsed by the Chinese Government and also World Association of Kettlebell Lifitng Clubs. Mens 68, 73, 78, 85, 85+ 1,2,3 for all categories Womens 53, 58, 63,68, 68kg+ 1,2,3 for all categories 1. 5 mins Long cycle(Clean and Jerk) and then immediately after do 5 mins Snatch (10 min total) 2. Using only one hand at a time touching the one same weight kettlebell for both movements 3. Only one hand change permitted in each 5 min movement 4. Total reps counted for each movement once the kettlebell touches the floor 5. Athletes can select their own weight 6. Score calculated (kgs x reps)/bodyweight SWING CHALLENGE Athlete holds the kettlebell with two hands and involves moving the bell in a pendulum motion from between the legs to chest level in front of the body. Although a relatively simple movement it is considered one of the most effective and calorie burning exercise known! As this event is a sprint will be a test of stamina! 1. 3 mins Russian Swing Sprint for reps 2. Minimum weight Mens 16kg/Womens 10kg 3. Score calculated (kgs x reps)/bodyweight Scan the code and sign up now!
CHINA THROWDOWN 2017 BENCH PRESS CHALLENGE Same movement as in the powerlifting set, though this time the goal is to lift the most weight for reps until failure. This will be a test of the athletes strength endurance. 1. Athlete chooses own weight. Minimum Mens 40kg, Womens 30kg; 2. Score is calculated by (kgsxreps)/bodyweight. 3. Cannot rest on chest for more than one second DEADLIFT CHALLENGE Same movement as in powerlifting competition. Though this time the goal is to lift the weight equivalent to the athlete for most for reps until failure. This will be a test of the athletes strength endurance. 1. Bodyweight deadlift for most reps 2. Touch and go, Final rep is counted once the bar rests on the floor for more than a second STRICT CURL CHALLENGE Years ago this movement used to be included in the big three power lifts. Now its back as a stand alone event! Suns out guns out! Test of arm strength mostly biceps! 1. Three attempts for standing bicep curl. 2. Score equals heaviest weight lifted one time. If there is a tie the athlete with the lower bodyweight is the winner 3. Head, back and butt against the wall at all times, starting with bar touching legs curl loaded bar to chest, no swing. Sign up now by scanning the code or email
China Throwdown August 26-27, 2017 Event 2 Powerlifting The modern version of Powerlifitng is a strength sport starting in USA and UK in the 1950s. Involves the athlete simply lifting maximal weight on a loaded barbell. Consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Without any assistant devices, this is a test of true brute strength! 现代举重作为一种负重体育项目,开始于上世纪50年代美国和英国。原理很简单:运动员举起其所能承受的最大重量的杠铃。举重共有3个项目:深蹲、卧推、硬拉,每个项目包含3次冲击最大负重的机会。没有任何辅助装备,这是一个真正的纯力量比拼! Awards & Rules 奖项设置及规则 Mens 66, 74, 83, 93, 93kg+. 1,2,3 for all categories Womens 52, 57, 63, 72, 72kg+. 1,2,3 for all categories 男子 66, 74, 83, 93及93以上公斤级 各公斤级1、2、3名 女子52, 57, 63, 72及72以上公斤级 各公斤级1、2、3名 Scan the code to sign up now!
Freestyle street workout bar challenge ..get in on the action at China Throwdown 2017!
The spirit of China Throwdown "Lift for life" is to bring the whole fitness community together for fun and good times! Battle of the Boxes Game #1 succeeded by bringing the crossfit circle together. Game #2 unites the movement community! Massive turnout and full house for the first time as these "masters of movement" join forces. Big ups to LINK, SHCalesthenics, MOVOr, SH Gymnastics, TORQUE and the acrobat communities of Shanghai, fans and family were out to show their support. Thanks to Vitae Spirits and Gre3n for keeping everyone hydrated and REVITA for medical backup. Great to be amongst these pros. Good vibes, high skills and cool tricks galore!
Gettin some much needed Oly and squat work in #happyssunday #barbell #olympiclifting #skwaats #crossfit

Awesome #graffiti #mural at @irondragoncrossfit #crossfit #shanghai

Thnx for the workout and hospitality @irondragoncrossfit 👍 #firstchinacrossfit #sickgraffiti #crossfit #shanghai

Awesome #wod this morning

第一次打棒球 一定是太爱棒球boy 手感还不错🤓
