佩斯北京 Pace is a leading contemporary art gallery representing many of the most significant international artists and estates of the 20th and 21st centuries. Founded by Arne Glimcher in Boston in 1960, Pace has been a constant, vital force in the art world and has introduced many renowned artists’ work to the public for the first time. Over the past five decades, the gallery has mounted more than 700 exhibitions, including scholarly shows that have subsequently traveled to museums, and has published nearly 400 exhibition catalogues. Today, Pace has ten locations worldwide: four galleries in New York, two in London, a 25,000 square-foot gallery in Beijing, and recently opened exhibition spaces in Hong Kong, Menlo Park, California and Chesa Büsin in Zuoz, Switzerland.
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Pace Beijing is pleased to present Not Early Not Late at 4pm on August 4, 2016. This is an exhibition of work by nine artists and focusing on video art once again after We Love Video this Summer in 2014. #pacebeijing #pacegallery #videoart 佩斯北京荣幸地宣布影像艺术群展“不早不晚”将于2016年8月4日下午4时向公众开幕。这是继2014年影像群展“这个夏天我们爱影像”之后,佩斯北京对于录像艺术的再度呈现。
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Qiu Xiaofei in his studio. 仇曉飛在他的工作室。 #QiuXiaofei #pacebeijing #pacegallery
Xiao Yu's Cement Floor is on view now at Pace Beijing. Bamboos took center stage in the artist’s work since 2010. Here, the bamboo conveys two forms of identity. As a symbol, it is a carrier of ancient cultural affinities and aesthetics. As a living thing, its green body conveys vivid and concrete tenacity and strength. 竹子這種創作材料自2010年起便成為了藝術家作品中的主角。在本次新作中,竹子展現出了兩種身份:作為符號的「竹」自古承載著文化趣味與美學意涵;而作為生命體的竹子則以其青綠色的軀體在重壓之下展現出生動而具體的韌性與力量感。 #XiaoYu #pacebeijing #pacegallery
Pace Gallery - Adam Pendleton at City Hall Park
A new sculpture by Adam Pendleton will be on view at City Hall Park through September 29. Presented as part of Public Art Fund's The Language of Things, Pendleton's Untitled (Code Poem), 2016 takes form of an indecipherable code in large-scale concrete dots and dashes. Other artists artists featured in the exhibition include: Carol Bove, Claudia Comte, Michael Dean, Tino Sehgal, Chris Watson, and Hannah Weiner. 亞當·彭德爾頓的新雕塑作品將在紐約市政廳公園持續展出至9月29日。作為公共藝術基金(Public Art Fund)The Language of Things項目的中的一部分,彭德爾頓的2016新作無題(Code Poem)由一組無法解讀的巨型點狀及短劃狀混凝土組成。其他展出的藝術家包括:Carol Bove, Claudia Comte, Michael Dean, Tino Sehgal, Chris Watson及Hannah Weiner. A smaller version of Pendleton’s Code Poem is currently on view at Pace Gallery (510 West 25th Street) as part of the group exhibition Blackness in Abstraction. 另一組小型的無題(Code Poem)則在西25街510號的佩斯群展Blackness in Abstraction中展出。 #pacegallery #AdamPendleton #CityHallPark #PublicArtFund #BlacknessinAbstraction
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Pace Hong Kong is pleased to present artist Hai Bo’s first solo exhibition this summer, featuring artist’s photography representative works. The public opening is on Thursday, 28 July, from 6 to 8 p.m. for artist‘s reception. 佩斯香港將於今夏推出中國當代重要攝影藝術家海波在香港的首次個展,展出藝術家的經典代表作。展覽將於7月28日週四晚六至八時舉辦向公眾開放的開幕式,藝術家將出席開幕酒會。 #HaiBo #pacebeijing #pacegallery
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Xiao Yu's "Cement Floor" is on view through 20th August at Pace Beijng. 蕭昱最新個展「水泥樓板」將持續在佩斯北京展出至8月20日。 #XiaoYu #pacebeijing #pacegallery
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Pace Beijing is pleased to announce "Cement Floor", the third solo exhibition of work by Xiao Yu. The show will present a site-specific installation by Xiao Yu, opening on 6th July 4pm, 2016. 蕭昱最新個展「水泥樓板」將於2016年7月6日在佩斯北京開幕。作為藝術家在佩斯北京舉辦的第三次個展,本次展覽將再度呈現蕭昱式的當代視覺景觀。 #XiaoYu #pacebeijing #pacegallery
佩斯香港將於7月1日閉館並於7月2日開放,持續展出亞歷山大·考爾德個展至7月16日。佩斯北京正閉館布展中。 Pace Hong Kong will be closed on 1 July and reopen on 2 July, Alexander Calder solo exhibition is on view through 16 July in Pace Hong Kong. Pace Beijing is closed for installation.
Pace Gallery - "GLASS" - Group Exhibition
佩斯舉辦群展GLASS,展出林瓔,奇奇·史密斯和弗雷德·威尔森的作品,包括以玻璃製作的作品及以玻璃為主題的作品,以探索不同藝術家對此材料的運用。 Pace Gallery presents GLASS, an exhibition of works by Maya Lin, Kiki Smith and Fred Wilson. The exhibition, which will present works made in glass and using glass found objects, is an exploration of each artist’s use of the material. #pacegallery #MayaLin #KikiSmith #FredWilson
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@asianartmuseum celebrated their 50th anniversary with new major installation by #LiuJianhua. "Tucked away behind our grand staircase hangs our newest treasure, "Collected Letters" by Shanghai-based artist Liu Jianhua. 劉建華的作品《混合體》亮相舊金山亞洲藝術博物館主樓2層涼廊。作為中國當代最有影響力的裝置藝術家之一,劉建華此次受亞洲藝術學會的委託,為博物館創作了這件由3000件瓷器組成的大型裝置作品,以慶賀博物館建館50週年。 #LiuJianhua #pacebeijing #pacegallery
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Sui Jianguo's new studio in Beijing. 隋建國位於北京的新工作室。 #SuiJianguo #pacebeijing #pacegallery